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Knight rides in to take Grizzlies' GM job

Knight rides in to take Grizzlies' GM job

It was early on in the press conference Wednesday morning when Brad Knight let his feelings be known, mere minutes after officially being named the new general manager of the Victoria Grizzlies of the B.C. Hockey League.
Les Leyne: Changes to ALR, parks long overdue

Les Leyne: Changes to ALR, parks long overdue

A 30-year veteran of provincial land-use decisions has some advice for those outraged by recent legislation about parks and the agricultural land reserve. Relax.
Mark Milke: Quebec’s priority is to get its prosperity back

Mark Milke: Quebec’s priority is to get its prosperity back

For decades, Quebec and its governments have been petulant and demanding. The tendency has been there since at least the first avowedly separatist Parti Québécois government was elected in 1976.
Comment: CRD selected best possible sewage-treatment plan

Comment: CRD selected best possible sewage-treatment plan

The fiercest opposition to the Capital Regional District’s proposed sewage-treatment plant has also been the least constructive.
She's like the wind: How to cycle in a skirt

She's like the wind: How to cycle in a skirt

Everyone, I have an announcement! I have a superpower: I can call the wind. But it only works when I get on my bike, and it's ALWAYS A HEADWIND. So maybe more a curse than a power.
Spirituality a great help for the elderly

Spirituality a great help for the elderly

I’m sure you’ve seen pictures of happy retirees enjoying themselves in an exotic faraway place, or enjoying a comfortable life at home. I suspect the thought of wanting to be a snowbird after retirement has at times crossed your mind.
Les Leyne: WorkSafe investigations into mill explosions embarrassing

Les Leyne: WorkSafe investigations into mill explosions embarrassing

The déjà vu Criminal Justice Branch report Monday on why again no charges will be laid in another mill explosion put enormous pressure on the government to shake up WorkSafe B.C. and force improvements in its accident investigations.
Geoff Johnson: French-immersion demand taxes resources

Geoff Johnson: French-immersion demand taxes resources

When a defeated Pauline Marois, in her begrudging concession speech, said: “I am worried for our language,” she could not have been speaking of Colombie-Britannique where, in fact, school districts are unable to keep up with the demand for French-imm
Elizabeth May: Six pieces of ID and still not allowed to vote

Elizabeth May: Six pieces of ID and still not allowed to vote

Pollsters are now bringing in the news that Canadians do not care if our election laws are changed to advantage the party in power. I do not believe that is the case.
Just another manic Monday...or is it?

Just another manic Monday...or is it?

Good Monday morning! It's a beautiful start to the day here in our fair city of Victoria, British Columbia. I woke up a little late, but I am excited for the start of this new week...Why you ask? Well, it's manic Monday - rewritten.