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Les Leyne: New Park Act will be closely watched

Les Leyne: New Park Act will be closely watched

A week after the bill allowing research in B.C. parks was introduced, a new policy on issuing permits for research was finished.
Geoff Johnson: China can teach us lessons about education

Geoff Johnson: China can teach us lessons about education

The subtle, quick-response game of table tennis is China’s game — Chinese players have won most of the world championships and Olympic gold medals in table tennis in the past 50 years. While the B.C.
Comment: Bill 24 threatens protection of agricultural land

Comment: Bill 24 threatens protection of agricultural land

When we opened the doors of the first Agricultural Land Commission office in 1973, there was a green carpet, a dozen telephones, hundreds of maps — and little else.
Trying to embrace dandelions

Trying to embrace dandelions

They are evil. They must be eradicated. They are a blight. I’m talking about weeds, dandelions specifically. We’ve been persuaded that a lawn dotted with dandelions is a bad thing. It’s clearly not the fashion to have a yard filled with dandelions.
David Bly: Don’t hate weeds, serve them for lunch

David Bly: Don’t hate weeds, serve them for lunch

Like police officers, there’s never a patch of stinging nettles around when you need one.
Susan Martinuk: Dad’s death showed truth of palliative care

Susan Martinuk: Dad’s death showed truth of palliative care

This past week, the House of Commons spent one hour debating a motion that calls for the federal government to work with the provinces to establish a national palliative-care and end-of-life strategy. An entire hour.
Comment: City making headway in fight against crime

Comment: City making headway in fight against crime

At the start of this year, Victoria welcomed a new police chief and a new police board, and we are working toward a new policing agreement for Victoria and Esquimalt.
Geoff Johnson: Free play is a risk for teachers, schools

Geoff Johnson: Free play is a risk for teachers, schools

New Zealand primary school principal Bruce McLachlan has attracted international attention to himself and his school, a 500-student Grades 1-8 school, by encouraging teachers to stop reprimanding students who race around the school’s playground on th
Les Leyne: $5-million tactic puts pressure on teachers

Les Leyne: $5-million tactic puts pressure on teachers

On a certain level, you have to appreciate the psychological warfare that goes into negotiations between the B.C. Teachers’ Federation and the agency representing school districts. It’s like watching chess grandmasters turn into guerrilla fighters.
Monique Keiran: Stolen passports open all the wrong doors

Monique Keiran: Stolen passports open all the wrong doors

Their very name indicates admission or entrance. A passport — from the French passer la porte, or pass through a port — is a document that allows a person to pass from one country to another, from one world to another, even from one life to another.