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Letters Sept. 11: We need better building design; protect our parks; rail transit, not buses

Letters Sept. 11: We need better building design; protect our parks; rail transit, not buses

Opinion: Columbia River Treaty ‘modernization’ hands B.C. power to U.S.

Opinion: Columbia River Treaty ‘modernization’ hands B.C. power to U.S.

Federal and provincial governments must stand up for B.C.'s interests in Columbia River Treaty modernization talks
Adrian Raeside cartoon: Meanwhile, down at the duct tape warehouse

Adrian Raeside cartoon: Meanwhile, down at the duct tape warehouse

Letters Sept. 10: Hub for homeless; church parking lots; more green for downtown

Letters Sept. 10: Hub for homeless; church parking lots; more green for downtown

Comment: Homelessness could happen to all of us

Comment: Homelessness could happen to all of us

Homelessness is a worldwide issue but that doesn’t mean it is impossible to address.
Letters Sept. 9: Sequoia versus English ivy; salmon report not scientific; a building in James Bay

Letters Sept. 9: Sequoia versus English ivy; salmon report not scientific; a building in James Bay

Monique Keiran: Worms in your fish could be a sign of a healthy ocean

Monique Keiran: Worms in your fish could be a sign of a healthy ocean

In ecology, the presence of the parasite is not a reason for gagging but a sign of a healthy, functioning marine ecosystem.
Trevor Hancock: Environmental resilience requires robust governance at regional level

Trevor Hancock: Environmental resilience requires robust governance at regional level

While I would not argue for one large regional government, having 13 separate municipal governments for a region of 400,000 people seems excessive
Geoff Johnson: Emotion has a big impact on learning

Geoff Johnson: Emotion has a big impact on learning

Emotion has a substantial influence on cognitive processes, including perception, attention, learning, memory, reasoning and problem solving
Letters Sept. 7: Where to house the homeless; attacked by a stranger

Letters Sept. 7: Where to house the homeless; attacked by a stranger