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Practising Resurrection

Practising Resurrection

For Christians, the central event that defines our religious tradition will again be remembered and celebrated in just over a week - the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Shannon Corregan: Environmentalism not a fringe thing

Shannon Corregan: Environmentalism not a fringe thing

In the battle between environmentalists and the pro-pipeline contingent in British Columbia, the argument often boils down (as so many “leftish” versus “rightish” battles do) to a few slender talking points.
Mark Milke: Ottawa needs transparency, not gimmicks

Mark Milke: Ottawa needs transparency, not gimmicks

No normal person pays close attention to who is “in” or “out” as finance minister, and that’s a good thing. It means the politician in question has avoided messing up the lives of ordinary Canadians.
Comment: Forest trusts would preserve the public interest

Comment: Forest trusts would preserve the public interest

For thousands of years, residents of B.C. have had the freedom to roam our lands and forests. Public ownership of most of our forests has maintained this freedom.
Judy provided the straw that broke the camel's back

Judy provided the straw that broke the camel's back

This week, we got this note from a digital reader: " . . . I am so frustrated. Every time I try to read the paper online, for which I have an account, I can not find the link.
Recycling unwanted garbage cans in Saanich

Recycling unwanted garbage cans in Saanich

Update: If you have unwanted garbage cans because of Saanich’s switch to mandatory bins, Saanich’s website says you can: • take plastic ones to Syntal Products, 6722 Bertram Place, in Central Saanich; stand them against the chain link fence • take me
Les Leyne: Last-minute deal revives E&N’s hopes

Les Leyne: Last-minute deal revives E&N’s hopes

Personal admission: I lost my faith in the E&N Railway several years ago. It wavered for years as the relic Dayliner continued its slide into decrepitude.
Andrew Cohen: Baird’s Diefenbaker hero worship unfounded

Andrew Cohen: Baird’s Diefenbaker hero worship unfounded

If there is a Society for the Veneration of John George Diefenbaker, its president, treasurer and recording secretary is John Russell Baird.
Comment: Supreme Court appointee Nadon may yet return

Comment: Supreme Court appointee Nadon may yet return

On Sept. 30, 2013, Prime Minister Stephen Harper nominated Justice Marc Nadon, a supernumerary judge (effectively, a half-time or less appointment) of the Federal Court of Appeal, to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Morris Fish.
Les Leyne: Mike Harcourt’s reaction a long time coming

Les Leyne: Mike Harcourt’s reaction a long time coming

It’s one of the longest delayed reactions in history. Back in the day, former New Democrat premier Mike Harcourt got fed up with the continuing toxic fallout from a festering NDP charity-robbing scandal that occupied much of his attention.