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We are a hippie city

We are a hippie city

A relative is back in Victoria after living elsewhere in Canada. She spent a few days re-absorbing the character of the town and then offered some observations. Victoria is not typical, she said. All sorts of things are done differently here.
Les Leyne: Report exposes salary shenanigans

Les Leyne: Report exposes salary shenanigans

A senior Mountie gets appointed to a university board on the strength of his illustrious career and winds up on the human resources committee searching for new executives.
William Watson: Canada shouldn’t subsidize ‘beautiful game’

William Watson: Canada shouldn’t subsidize ‘beautiful game’

What’s a men’s Olympic hockey gold medal worth to you? Not: How much would you pay for the physical medal if it were for sale on eBay? But rather: It’s the third period, the game is tied, how much would you pay to have Canada win? It’s obviously hard
Graham Thomson: Northern Gateway plan is still a pipe dream

Graham Thomson: Northern Gateway plan is still a pipe dream

Was anybody surprised by the federal government’s decision to approve the Northern Gateway pipeline? Within milliseconds of the government flashing the green light, interest groups on both sides of the debate hit the send button on their pre-written
Les Leyne: ‘Social licence’ comes home to roost

Les Leyne: ‘Social licence’ comes home to roost

As major development proposals piled up in B.C. over the past few years, a phrase started cropping up more and more often in discussions about their implications. “Social licence.
Comment: B.C. needs to move ahead on Lyme disease

Comment: B.C. needs to move ahead on Lyme disease

Last week, Lyme disease patients across Canada cheered as Elizabeth May’s private member’s bill on Lyme disease passed third reading.
Are news website paywalls putting people's lives at risk?

Are news website paywalls putting people's lives at risk?

We share links to a lot of our stories on Facebook. We do this because it's where potential readers are. More than one billion of them, in fact.
Geoff Johnson: No one knows who is governing education

Geoff Johnson: No one knows who is governing education

In any organization, it helps employees to remain committed and effective if confusion about the lines of authority is minimal.
Comment: It’s time for collaborative solutions to sewage

Comment: It’s time for collaborative solutions to sewage

People in the core-area communities are already paying too much for a sewage-treatment plan that can never happen. It is past time for our region to get moving on high-quality, affordable sewage treatment.
A Buddhist Response to Terrorism- Part 1

A Buddhist Response to Terrorism- Part 1

Terror as a weapon is not at all uncommon in the history of human conflict. When we are terrorized from without, we react convulsively like a frog that has found itself suddenly in hot water.