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Comment: Patients are dying while the politicians dither

Comment: Patients are dying while the politicians dither

Over the past two decades, the general Canadian attitude toward wait times for medical treatment seems to have evolved into a resigned acceptance of this ostensibly “mild nuisance” in an otherwise excellent system. It’s time for a reality check.
Les Leyne: Virk shouldn’t try to duck the blame

Les Leyne: Virk shouldn’t try to duck the blame

Advanced Education Minister Amrik Virk had a chance to move past the embarrassing revelations this week about how he bypassed the disclosure and compensation rules as a university board member a few years ago. He didn’t quite make it.
Monique Keiran: Music brings us together in multiple ways

Monique Keiran: Music brings us together in multiple ways

Festival season has begun. We’ve seen spot prawns served multiple ways, we drank tea in Oak Bay, we entertained our guests at the Sooke River Bluegrass and Vancouver Island Cultural festivals.
Tar-sands healing walk

Tar-sands healing walk

Retired educator Terry Dance-Bennink took a huge step of courage that changed her life.
Paula Simons: Alberta’s Jim Keegstra leaves a haunted legacy

Paula Simons: Alberta’s Jim Keegstra leaves a haunted legacy

How should we respond to hate-mongers? Especially in this day of the Internet, when vile trolls spewing crackpot conspiracy theories of every toxic variety can easily reach hundreds of thousands of people, how, if at all, should we regulate hate spee
Shannon Corregan: Promises to a hard-working barista

Shannon Corregan: Promises to a hard-working barista

My barista spelled my name with an exclamation point the other day, and it turned my entire afternoon around. I was no longer simply Shannon — I was Shannon! And I was caffeinated! It was awesome.
Comment: Health-care system very aware of Lyme disease

Comment: Health-care system very aware of Lyme disease

In response to Gwen Barlee’s commentary “B.C. needs to move ahead on Lyme disease,” (June 17), I would like to state that the B.C. health-care system is very aware of Lyme disease and that agencies such as the B.C.
Learn more about the TC . . . and you don't even have to read!

Learn more about the TC . . . and you don't even have to read!

I'm here to help you, gentle digital reader, discover all there is to love about the Times Colonist and its digital products. So let's put some of the "multi" into multimedia news organization.
A Buddhist Response to Terrorism - Part 2

A Buddhist Response to Terrorism - Part 2

What causes terrorism? Failure to understand the causes dooms us to inadequate or even ruinous responses. Is it really as simple as many, such as former president G. W.
Comment: Lessons from the Northern Gateway decision

Comment: Lessons from the Northern Gateway decision

The Harper government’s approval of the Enbridge pipeline is certainly not surprising. The prime minister announced his support for the controversial project before the hearings even began.