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Baby's first triathlon

Baby's first triathlon

I know the slogan is “Red Bull gives you wings” but I think it should be “Tour de Rock gives you wings.” Because, thanks to all the TDR training, I was able to do accomplish something I never thought I would: I completed my first triathlon on Sunday.
My struggle with chopsticks

My struggle with chopsticks

I used chopsticks pretty much exclusively in childhood. Knives and forks were a novelty.
Les Leyne: Court’s ruling looms over teacher negotiations

Les Leyne: Court’s ruling looms over teacher negotiations

Teachers and the B.C. government seem to be one percentage point apart after three bruising weeks of strikes and lockouts. But the gap between the two sides is a lot bigger than that.
Advice doled out for first-time marathoner

Advice doled out for first-time marathoner

A middleaged, busy mom's attempt to run her first marathon in New York in November. I have found two sisters - twins Madge and Mary - who coach runners online. Being mortal and needing all the help I can get, I'm looking forward to their guidance.
Susan Martinuk: New law upholds ban on selling flesh

Susan Martinuk: New law upholds ban on selling flesh

Somewhere between world leaders jetting to D-Day celebrations and a lunatic going on a shooting spree in Moncton, Justice Minister Peter MacKay released his government’s proposed legislation to govern prostitution.
David Bly: Summer jobs are about more than money

David Bly: Summer jobs are about more than money

It’s that time of year when students are out looking for employment to fill their time, but more important, to fill their wallets.
Comment: Police appreciate the support of the public

Comment: Police appreciate the support of the public

With 52 hours away, six different planes and a lack of sleep, we all knew this was going to be a quick but emotional trip.
Zen Meditation a stabilizing influence in life

Zen Meditation a stabilizing influence in life

Buddhism is a religion that loves lists and claims that meditation is one of the three necessities of a satisfying spiritual life. A human life without meditation is vulnerable to becoming variously unstable.
Les Leyne: Youth mental-health services fall short

Les Leyne: Youth mental-health services fall short

While the horrifying consequences of untreated mental illness played out from Vancouver to Moncton this week, a committee of MLAs spent a full day listening to people who work on the problem every day.
Monique Keiran: Obscure pathways lead to whole new world

Monique Keiran: Obscure pathways lead to whole new world

A little-known network of shortcuts and passageways knits many of the region’s urban areas together. These connecting pathways — they’re too short to be called trails — pass unobtrusively among municipalities’ houses and yards.