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Quebec's new premier has formidable poise

When shots were fired on Tuesday night and Pauline Marois was hauled off the stage, the Quebec provincial police guarding her dragged her into a corridor behind the stage, unwittingly moving her toward the danger.

Harper's government just doesn't get it

Re: "Natural resources drive 20 per cent of economy: report," Sept 5. The Harper government released figures showing that natural resources drive 20 per cent of the economy and about 10 per cent of all jobs.

Outerbridge Park returning to its glory

Re: "Eight hidden gems," Aug. 30. The selection of Outerbridge Park as one of the "hidden gems" in the Victoria/Saanich region is entirely justified. The glory days of the original Shangri La garden are returning to this horticulture landmark.

U.S. soldier should not be deported

Re: "Off you go, soldier," Aug. 4. No, the Canada Border Services Agency is not right to order American war resister (not "deserter") Kimberly Rivera back to the U.S.

Cabinet rookie brings wit and wisdom

There's an overwhelming urge to joke about a cabinet shuffle dedicated to renewal where one of the fresh new faces is 79 years of age.

Court delays must be curbed

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms gives a person charged with an offence the right to be tried "within a reasonable time." But not everyone wants a speedy trial - delays can be used to advantage, contributing to the clogging of B.C.

Just let us know when to round up the deer

Re: "Move deer up-Island where they're wanted," Sept. 4. How far north is north? The letter-writer's suggestions that South Island deer be moved to the northern part of Vancouver Island resonates well with us folk who reside on the Nanoose Peninsula.

Neutering the deer is the better solution

Re: "Let hunters kill more deer: report," Sept. 1. Why does this panel believe that by killing deer others will not replace them? This will be an ongoing exercise.

Display of politeness at Saanich Fair

I was blacksmithing at the Saanich Fair on the weekend, and finished up and was ready to go at about 6: 30 p.m. Monday. So was everyone else.

New residents should pay for highways

Re: "Don't penalize developer for traffic congestion," Sept. 5.