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House Beautiful: Where wood meets the water

House Beautiful: Where wood meets the water

Bill Weber is no stranger to creating unique spaces — mega mansions, upscale restaurants and glamorous hotel lobbies.
Condo Smarts: Judge raises the bar on rental restrictions

Condo Smarts: Judge raises the bar on rental restrictions

Dear Tony: How does a strata corporation legally enforce a rental bylaw when they don’t have an inventory of rentals and no one knows how long units have been rented by different owners? Our strata council has taken the viewpoint that once you are gr
Helen Chesnut: Know your beans

Helen Chesnut: Know your beans

Dear Helen: I’ve been having problems with runner bean plantings not setting pods. It’s a puzzle, because the pole beans always grow and produce well. I am presuming that runner and pole beans have similar requirements. L.E. Dear L.E.
Stylish living outside the box

Stylish living outside the box

Last month, we decked the halls with boughs of holly. Now it’s time to think about a different kind of decking, the kind that helps to enhance the enjoyment of our homes and the great outdoor environment beyond.
Helen Chesnut: A catalogue of fresh delights

Helen Chesnut: A catalogue of fresh delights

The first 2015 seed catalogue to arrive was, as usual, from Plant World Seeds in Devon, U.K. A grower at my local farmers’ market told me about this source years ago.
Reena Nerbas: Treat leather with care

Reena Nerbas: Treat leather with care

Dear Reena: I own a beautiful black leather chair that I somehow got a drop of nail polish or superglue on. I am not sure which it is.
Helen Chesnut: Gardening advice

Helen Chesnut: Gardening advice

Dear Helen: I have a Dracaena that has developed a long, bare stem with a top notch of long leaves up at ceiling level. How can I reclaim this plant? W.M. Dear W.M.: You have options. One is to purchase a young replacement plant.
Helen Chesnut: Garden highlights

Helen Chesnut: Garden highlights

As I look back on the gardening year and my ongoing interactions with readers of this column, I am grateful for the many messages, tips and stories they have passed along.
Reena Nerbas: Down the drain

Reena Nerbas: Down the drain

Dear Reena: I want to know the best way to clean my drains. Donna Dear Donna: In a jar, combine two tablespoons of cream of tartar, one quarter cup baking soda and one teaspoon of salt. Drop in the drain and chase with boiling water.

How to Appeal Your BC Property Assessment

Mistakes can happen in BC Assessments. Ask the South Surrey family whose property assessment jumped by over a million dollars from 2012 to 2013. Turned out to be a clerical error that added a phantom 8,000 square feet to their top floor.