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Rapunzel-like goldilocks

The plant's leaves droop over its pot
Smartphone app guides Vancouver catholics to church

Smartphone app guides Vancouver catholics to church

New technology helps reach people where they live
House Beautiful: Comfort with convenience

House Beautiful: Comfort with convenience

Couple anticipates inhabiting their Saanich Peninsula retirement home for at least another quarter century

Oil still king despite dirty reputation

Is it the end of the road for the humble oil furnace, a fixture in many Canadian homes for the past 60 years? Some of the thousands of homeowners who still heat with oil see their aging oil tanks as ticking environmental time bombs.


Debbie Travis >E3
Lofty mission accomplished

Lofty mission accomplished

Floating elements add airy touch to award-winning family home designed with the environment in mind

Shimmer makes a festive statement

Luminous glow rather than bright sparkle works with a restrained decorating style


Mike Holmes >E2

Add seasonal sparkle to your decor

The holiday season is the time to really allow your home to sparkle. For a few weeks every year, over-the-top is just what's called for. And it's so much fun to create the dazzle and then enjoy everyone's ohhhs and ahhhs.

Things you should know about heating-oil tanks

WHY DO OIL TANKS LEAK? Steel oil tanks corrode from the inside out due to action by microbes. Microbes are living organisms so small they can only be seen under a microscope. They are found practically everywhere, in the air and water.