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Les Leyne: Amends for missing women look puny

Les Leyne: Amends for missing women look puny

The falldown was so pervasive and enormous that the amends being attempted look puny in comparison.
Andrew Cohen: Here’s how we should deal with separatists

Andrew Cohen: Here’s how we should deal with separatists

The other day, the leader of a major nation threatened with dismemberment made a passionate plea for unity. He spoke to his fellow Conservatives, in the capital of the proposed republic, where his party has little support.
Comment: McLoughlin Point too small for sewage plant

Comment: McLoughlin Point too small for sewage plant

Albert Sweetnam, Seaterra’s program director, recommends that we should be and are going to get on with the wastewater treatment program (“It’s time to move on with Seaterra program,” Feb. 15).
Lessons of Noah and Tower of Babel relevant today

Lessons of Noah and Tower of Babel relevant today

If you’re paying attention to the upcoming movie line-up, you’ll know that Noah is opening in theatres on March 28 th .
Comment: Too many denied access to French immersion

Comment: Too many denied access to French immersion

‘For two years, parents in Tofino have been asking our school district to create a French immersion program,” says Tofino resident Denise Aujla. “Our district says they can’t afford it. “There are 47,000 students in B.C.
Mark Milke: Millions of reasons to support trade accord

Mark Milke: Millions of reasons to support trade accord

If Canadians need a reason to support the just-announced free-trade agreement with South Korea, here are a few hundred million: Every year, Canadians pay hundreds of millions of dollars in hidden taxes on imported automobiles and auto-related product
Geoff Johnson: Agree to help new teachers improve

Geoff Johnson: Agree to help new teachers improve

Possibly the best line to come out of any movie about politics is the final line in the 1972 satirical drama The Candidate. Having just won a seat in the U.S.
A shower head that sprays less: money saved and no whining

A shower head that sprays less: money saved and no whining

A typical shower head sprays water at 2.5 gallons per minute. That can add up to a lot of water and a lot of energy to heat it. A B.C. Hydro promotion two years ago introduced our household to a shower head that uses 1.5 gallons per minute.
Comment: Manager defends Saanich’s openStudent project

Comment: Manager defends Saanich’s openStudent project

This commentary is in response to the article regarding openStudent (“Saanich schools scrap $1.5M student tracker,” March 8).
Outsmarting the Yetzer Hara

Outsmarting the Yetzer Hara

Outsmarting the what!? Is that a typo? You think they’d at least get a headline right! Who’s proof-reading this column, anyway?? Did you have any of these or similar thoughts when you read the headline? Did you start to have negative feelings or thou