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Monique Keiran: New water act comes not a minute too soon

Monique Keiran: New water act comes not a minute too soon

We can relax. The Sooke Reservoir is filled to capacity — once again, and at last. The series of storms that recently charged across the region did the honours.
Comment: Palliative caregiver shares memories and last days

Comment: Palliative caregiver shares memories and last days

I got a private caregiving job for a family recently. They hired me to spend the night at their place so they could get some much needed sleep. Respite care. I was to get up in the night and help their 97-year-old mum if need be. Warm milk.
Graham Thomson: Caucus revolt against Redford unprecedented

Graham Thomson: Caucus revolt against Redford unprecedented

She jumped before she was pushed. Alison Redford knew her days as Alberta’s premier were numbered. The pressure on her to quit had become an irresistible force, even for a politician with a reputation for being an immovable object.
Shannon Corregan: Act of violence tests self-assumptions

Shannon Corregan: Act of violence tests self-assumptions

Instances of sudden, unprovoked violence are relatively rare in Victoria, but they do on occasion happen in the downtown core. Last weekend, two men came to the aid of a person who was being randomly attacked by a man with a street sign.
Comment: Honourable members should truly be honourable

Comment: Honourable members should truly be honourable

In the past 10 years, there has been a steady drop in the public trust in politicians. In a recent poll, 41 per cent of respondents said they trusted the national government and 58 per cent said they did not. This produces a net trust rating of -17.
Riding the bus: Etiquette, tolerance, and the best seats

Riding the bus: Etiquette, tolerance, and the best seats

Buses are not for people who hate close quarters. Strangers are going to touch you, maybe for prolonged periods, especially shoulder to shoulder. The etiquette is to pretend it’s not happening.
Comment: No need to worry about radiation from Japan

Comment: No need to worry about radiation from Japan

The March 12 commentary “Radiation from Japan found in B.C. may raise health concerns, prof says” compels me to respond to the unnecessary fear raised by the report.
Robert Roach: Three premiers got together and got it right

Robert Roach: Three premiers got together and got it right

A good public-policy think-tank calls government out when it has it wrong, encourages it to do better when there is room for improvement and suggests alternatives when the old way of doing things isn’t working anymore.
L. Ian MacDonald: Mulroney serene about his successes

L. Ian MacDonald: Mulroney serene about his successes

As he turns 75, Brian Mulroney is serene. The former prime minister celebrates the milestone today with his wife, Mila, and their children at their winter home in Palm Beach, Fla.
We need more bicycle parking that’s secure

We need more bicycle parking that’s secure

Most of my bicycle trips are between home and the office, where there’s a locked room to park bikes. I’m loathe to cycle anywhere else around Greater Victoria, especially downtown, because of the risk of theft and vandalism.