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Divine is visible in all nature

Divine is visible in all nature

The understanding that nature benefits our mental and physical health seems obvious. However, the outdoors is now being touted as a new therapy called “ ecotherapy ” – or restorative contact with nature.
Shannon Corregan: Global warming is serious business

Shannon Corregan: Global warming is serious business

Another day, another dollar, another report on climate change and how it’s about to really ruin our day. This latest report, however, approaches the issue from a slightly different angle.
Harry Sterling: Mideast violence an opportunity for Kurds

Harry Sterling: Mideast violence an opportunity for Kurds

It’s said their only friends are the mountains. And for a people without their own country, their destiny has been to live among others, often unwelcome or even shunned, always obsessed about some day having a country of their own.
Comment: Government makes mockery of student assessment

Comment: Government makes mockery of student assessment

Secondary-school teachers are surprised and frustrated by a collection of decisions made about how to address year-end grades for students in the secondary program — grades 10, 11 and 12.
Les Leyne: Preparing for the Big One never ends

Les Leyne: Preparing for the Big One never ends

If there were a catastrophic earthquake this week, is B.C. prepared for it? The question was put point-blank to the director of Emergency Management B.C. on Wednesday during a committee meeting, and the answer was: “No, we are not.
Emma Gilchrist: Natural gas hypocrisy will cost consumers

Emma Gilchrist: Natural gas hypocrisy will cost consumers

One of the thorniest issues raised in the joint review panel’s report on B.C. Hydro’s Site C dam proposal is that of the B.C. government’s hypocritical policy on the burning of natural gas for electricity.
Homecoming for Hannah Day

Homecoming for Hannah Day

If you want to know what the love and support for children with cancer in Victoria looks like, take a look at the people set to line the Pat Bay highway Friday afternoon.
Comment: A generational shift in aboriginal education

Comment: A generational shift in aboriginal education

This is the time of year when students graduate, families celebrate and schools breathe a sigh of relief that they have successfully supported hundreds — even thousands — of people navigating the challenges of post-secondary education.
Comment: Bill C-36 fails sex workers and Canadians

Comment: Bill C-36 fails sex workers and Canadians

People who are familiar with the sex industry in Canada are profoundly disappointed in the introduction of Bill C-36 this month.
Les Leyne: Province has a stock of stock answers

Les Leyne: Province has a stock of stock answers

Every year, about 1,000 local politicians gather at the Union of B.C. Municipalities convention and pass dozens of resolutions demanding or urging that the provincial government do something about something. Flood management. Derelict vessels.