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Comment: 1993’s Clayoquot Summer was a game-changer

Comment: 1993’s Clayoquot Summer was a game-changer

Twenty years ago today, about 30 residents of Tofino were driving up and down the highway by Long Beach, communicating via handheld radios, tracking a helicopter carrying B.C.’s premier of the day and select media.
Holocaust Education Centre helps us see truth in tragedy

Holocaust Education Centre helps us see truth in tragedy

The Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre is currently hosting an exhibition called, "’Enemy Aliens’: The Internment of Jewish Refugees in Canada, 1940-1943.
Comment: It’s time for B.C. to modernize its mining act

Comment: It’s time for B.C. to modernize its mining act

From Pender Island to Tofino, local governments across Vancouver Island are dealing with controversial mineral claims that may have far-reaching impacts on their communities. Yet B.C.
Shannon Corregan: Tweets from space are cool for all of us

Shannon Corregan: Tweets from space are cool for all of us

On Tuesday, Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield participated in a question-and-answer session with secondary and middle-school students at the Telus World of Science in Edmonton.
L. Ian MacDonald: Fifty years later, Pearson’s legacy lives on

L. Ian MacDonald: Fifty years later, Pearson’s legacy lives on

Any serious list of great Canadian prime ministers includes Lester B. Pearson, who brought the Liberal party back to government half a century ago in the election of April 8, 1963.
Do something every day that makes you sweat...

Do something every day that makes you sweat...

...AND THEN SEND ME THE PR OOF! I'll po st it o n my S weat T -Shirt Contest Page ! When I started th is blog 3 months ago, I took a picture every week o r so of my sweaty t-shir t...
Les Leyne: One problem politicians will ignore

Les Leyne: One problem politicians will ignore

There was quite a contrast this week between real-life problems and political problems. The campaign teams spent much of Tuesday jockeying for position.
David Bly: Book-lovers’ heaven at the TC book sale

David Bly: Book-lovers’ heaven at the TC book sale

I was busted. I had tried to hide the book behind my math workbook, but it didn’t work. Mr. Meldrum, with that sixth sense teachers have, knew it wasn’t Grade 9 math that was holding my attention.
Comment: Sending jobs offshore hurts Canadian workers

Comment: Sending jobs offshore hurts Canadian workers

Corporate Canada seems increasingly comfortable profiting from government regulations and Canadian consumers with little concern for this country’s workers.
Weigh-In Wednesday #11

Weigh-In Wednesday #11

April 3rd, 2013 - Happy 46th Birthday to my April Fool, Stéphane Gagnon! But first, let me celebrate Weigh-in Wednesday with a little happy dance. Last week was an insane loss of 6.3 pounds and this week was a decent loss of 4.