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Eternal Optimism

Eternal Optimism

I am working in the garden and a hummingbird whizzes past only to see my empty feeder. Her presence reminds me that I need to fill it with the clear, sugary liquid she enjoys.
Naomi Lakritz: Thatcher knew women couldn’t have it all

Naomi Lakritz: Thatcher knew women couldn’t have it all

Oh, no, not another woman telling her fellow women how they should live their lives! We had barely recovered from Anne-Marie Slaughter, Princeton University professor and former bigwig at the U.S.
Les Leyne: Milk flowing from pre-election faucet

Les Leyne: Milk flowing from pre-election faucet

Two back-to-back beverage announcements and dozens of news releases in the last week leave the strong impression an election is coming.
Comment: Time for public debate on oil-transport issue

Comment: Time for public debate on oil-transport issue

I’ve lived in Victoria for more than 20 years, and one of things I love best about our city is the Dallas Road beach.
Run away!

Run away!

Herbert Spencer coined the phrase, "survival of the fittest," and I have always thought of it in a rather Darwinian way i.e. "better adapted for immediate, local environment." However, now I think of it every time I step on a treadmill.
Les Leyne: Business donations a problem for NDP

Les Leyne: Business donations a problem for NDP

B.C. New Democrats had a record fundraising year in 2012, but a few members will be squirming uncomfortably when they look at the books.
Geoff Johnson: Facts have not disappeared from our schools

Geoff Johnson: Facts have not disappeared from our schools

There’s a good chance that many readers of this column could distinguish between formal language, jargon, colloquial language and figurative language.
Comment: Court rulings on generic drugs will shape policy

Comment: Court rulings on generic drugs will shape policy

Last week, Novartis was denied a new patent in India for the modified version of its chemotherapy agent imatinib (marketed as Gleevec or Glivec). Many are calling this a landmark case.
Spirituality in Children

Spirituality in Children

How does one cultivate spirituality in children? Spirituality has the reputation of being ethereal and difficult, or at least that’s its public persona.
Comment: Public primary-care centres a good investment

Comment: Public primary-care centres a good investment

On March 29, the Times Colonist editorial stated: “Hospice is a good investment.” I couldn’t agree more.