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William Watson: Where hockey history and politics meet

William Watson: Where hockey history and politics meet

I marked the opening of the Stanley Cup playoffs by reading a book my son gave me for Christmas. A Great Game: The Forgotten Leafs and the Rise of Professional Hockey was written by one Stephen J. Harper.
The Song of the Gaels

The Song of the Gaels

Within the spirituality of the peoples of Celtic lands there is an eternal truth that can inform us in the twenty-first century. The people of those lands had an earthy spirituality that connected them with the environment in which they lived.
Puzzled and sort of enchanted by spiral-cut ham

Puzzled and sort of enchanted by spiral-cut ham

We bought a bone-in 3.5 kilogram ham for our Easter meal. It was the first ham in big-chunk form that we’ve had in years; in fact, I can’t remember the last time we had one.
Comment: CRD proceeding without clear sewage plan

Comment: CRD proceeding without clear sewage plan

As an elected official, I certainly appreciate the necessity of sometimes having to make a difficult and unpopular decision and then mustering the resolve to see it through.
Geoff Johnson: Girls still face challenge of the glass ceiling

Geoff Johnson: Girls still face challenge of the glass ceiling

In assessments carried out by the Program for International Student Assessment, 15-year-olds girls performed significantly better than boys on the reading tests in all countries and in all 10 Canadian provinces.
Should I scream or just throw my hands up and enjoy this thrill ride that is my life?

Should I scream or just throw my hands up and enjoy this thrill ride that is my life?

Yet another Monday where I am attempting to CTRL+ALT+DELETE and reset. No, I didn't indulge in any Easter Chocolate, the Easter Bunny totally skipped our house this year. Perhaps he was a little pissed off that we...well...
Comment: We shouldn’t ignore the effects of marijuana

Comment: We shouldn’t ignore the effects of marijuana

As the world watches the effects of the legalization of cannabis south of the border in Colorado and Washington state, many Canadians are debating the future of our nation’s most-used illicit drug.
David Bly: Region’s parks don’t cost — they make us rich

David Bly: Region’s parks don’t cost — they make us rich

When we first came to the Island, we were impressed by how many parks we found in the Greater Victoria region. Every corner we turned, it seemed, we would see another park, so we started to make a list with the idea of trying to visit them all.
Comment: Return to Boston symbolizes renewal

Comment: Return to Boston symbolizes renewal

When people ask why I’m running the Boston Marathon again this year, the short answer is because I want to see the daffodils.
A story of hope reborn

A story of hope reborn

" Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most. That people are basically good. That honour, courage and virtue mean everything ; that power and money ... money and power mean nothing.