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Betrayed by my own Twitter feed

Betrayed by my own Twitter feed

When is something private no longer private? When you post it on Twitter, of course. Paulina Gretzky knows this. Any of the Kardashians know this. I know this. Here's my less explicit example.
Dissecting B.C. Hydro’s two-tier rate; July vs. December power use

Dissecting B.C. Hydro’s two-tier rate; July vs. December power use

B.C. Hydro charges residential customers a two-tier rate to promote conservation. If you stay below a certain threshold of use, you pay a lower rate per unit of electricity. Two-tier billing has had minimal impact on electricity use at our house.
Comment: B.C.’s first judge fought discriminatory laws

Comment: B.C.’s first judge fought discriminatory laws

Making disparaging generalizations about other human groups is nothing new, but as columnist Les Leyne (“Head-tax era requires acknowledgment,” Jan. 9) and others have pointed out, it was especially rampant in B.C.
Geoff Johnson: Report cards will become relic of the past

Geoff Johnson: Report cards will become relic of the past

Whether letter grades will become a thing of the past for B.C. students as schools throughout the province consider changes for report cards might well depend on responses from parents and the minister of education.
Iain Hunter: Will tanker plans save the whales?

Iain Hunter: Will tanker plans save the whales?

Environmental groups accused the federal government in Federal Court last week of violating its own Species at Risk Act by failing to proclaim recovery strategies for four endangered ones, including the Pacific humpback whale, by the deadlines set by
Changeology 101

Changeology 101

At present, I am blogging in the lobby of the Crystal Pool. The room is not busy as the early morning coffee-drinking-chatty-cathys have dispersed; however, there is a steady flow of people through the automatic doors.
Monique Keiran: Winnipeg winter whacks a weather wimp

Monique Keiran: Winnipeg winter whacks a weather wimp

I spent some time in Winnipeg before the holidays. While there, I had the dubious pleasure of experiencing, among other things, a goodly period of the city’s second coldest December on record.
Les Leyne: NEB’s conditions won’t stall pipeline

Les Leyne: NEB’s conditions won’t stall pipeline

The first of the 209 conditions the National Energy Board set for the Northern Gateway pipeline is that the company comply with the other 208. That’s the kind of determined legal loophole-closing you like to see in a regulator.
Don't be afraid to throw away some rules of life

Don't be afraid to throw away some rules of life

“There are no rules.” Was not something I had expected to hear from octogenarian artist and writer, Annora Brown. We were having tea. I was a young mother struggling to find time for my art and she was a proud ‘Miss’.
Exploring the weather around Greater Victoria

Exploring the weather around Greater Victoria

On blustery, rain drenched days like today, the School-Based Weather Station Network is an interesting place to explore. It’s at