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Honouring those who sacrificed for us

Honouring those who sacrificed for us

It’s highly unlikely, as a Canadian, that I’ll ever be forced to choose between my religious beliefs and my life.
Comment: Local election reform can’t come soon enough

Comment: Local election reform can’t come soon enough

Have local elections in B.C. become a game open only to the rich and well-connected? Certainly that seems to be the case in Greater Vancouver.
Geoff Johnson: Foreign students bring money — and costs

Geoff Johnson: Foreign students bring money — and costs

Every school of higher education benefits from diversity — diversity of opinion, diversity within its student population and diversity among its teachers.
Using map apps when you don’t have a cell or Wi-Fi signal

Using map apps when you don’t have a cell or Wi-Fi signal

[Update: Google has built offline maps into its iPhone Maps app. You don't have to use the workaround mentioned below if you have newer versions. Instructions from Google are here.
Lesson of the pants: Evolution of my winter bicycling gear

Lesson of the pants: Evolution of my winter bicycling gear

How things have changed in seven years of bicycling during the rainy, chilly and sometimes freezing season, often at night. $20 water-resistant pants —> $100 Gore-Tex pants (these days, more like $130).
Comment: Change coming to Ukraine is unstoppable

Comment: Change coming to Ukraine is unstoppable

I’m writing from the comfort of my study. My good friends in the “Euromaidan” in Kyiv aren’t anywhere near as snug. Yet they endure, not only cold but brutality because for them Ukraine always was, is and forever must be, a European nation.
Geoff Johnson: Government must commit to fair negotiation

Geoff Johnson: Government must commit to fair negotiation

The finding by B.C. Supreme Court Justice Susan Griffin that, as a political ploy, B.C. government insiders attempted to implement a bargaining strategy intended to provoke a general teachers’ strike is breathtaking in its implications.
Iain Hunter: Trudeau’s ‘bold’ move is just naïve

Iain Hunter: Trudeau’s ‘bold’ move is just naïve

Isuppose this is what happens when you ask a child to do a man’s work. I speak, of course, of Justin Trudeau’s naïve idea that not calling Liberal senators Liberals — not calling a spade a spade — is a significant step toward Senate reform.
Les Leyne: Liquor changes are a refreshing break

Les Leyne: Liquor changes are a refreshing break

Here’s one way to judge whether the big liquor-policy reform will be an overall benefit to B.C. Picture all the changes in place — relaxed licences, freedom to move around holding a drink, more hard liquor at public events, happy hours.
Monique Keiran: A Chinese import we don’t want: pollution

Monique Keiran: A Chinese import we don’t want: pollution

On a recent trip to Vancouver, a great yellow tongue of dirty air greeted us as the ferry surged into the Strait of Georgia. Stretching out from Vancouver, the tongue licked at the shores of Galiano and Mayne islands.