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Tales from the Vault: Origin of the Cadborosaurus legend

Hubert Evans was one of the most highly respected writers in British Columbia. Born in 1892, he lived most of his life at Roberts Creek on the Sunshine Coast. While mainly a novelist, he knew the wildlife well and wrote extensively on it.

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Novel a World of wonders

I've followed the world of literary prizes for long enough not to be surprised by which books are nominated, or go on to win: every jury is different, and reading is entirely subjective, so shortlists and prize recipients often (read: almost always)


Books >D9
All style, no substance

All style, no substance

Under Kim Jong-Un, shiny skyscrapers are rising in North Korea even as living standards plummet

A cruise to escape the grey days of autumn on the Island

It was a perfect day for a helicopter ride. Cloudless sky. Friendly staff in the easy-to-handle Ogden Point heliport.


Diversions >D10, D11

How to replace suet in Christmas pudding

Dear Eric: Time to make our Christmas puddings! All my favourite recipes call for suet.
Library is movie-disc heaven - and it's free

Library is movie-disc heaven - and it's free

Greater Victoria branches offer 57,000 DVDs, 1,500 Blu-rays

Major's Corner: Thanks for the beatings, teachers of days gone by

Beware of writing to me as I will answer you, but be warned: I cannot stop being grateful. I tend to be one of those chaps who will thank you for writing and so on and so on.