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Study touts birth control

Offering free contraception cuts abortions

Parks taken for granted

People who live within a half-mile of lots of parks and fields go on fewer walks than those who don't have much parkland nearby, a new study from Australia suggests.

'Four screen' users surf web more often

Just over half of Canada's web users are using a mobile device or their TV to get online, suggests a new report.

Aspirin aids ailments affecting carotid sinus

Dear doctors: I am 84 years old, and I have been diagnosed with a carotid artery bulb. It seems to be growing with time. I have had an ultrasound of the artery, and the only diagnosis is some calcification.

Drunk driving halved among u.s. high schoolers

The percentage of U.S. high school students who drink and drive has dropped by more than half in two decades, in part due to tougher laws against driving under the influence of alcohol, health officials said on Tuesday. In 2011, 10.
Martin short flattered to be aboard tim burton's frankenweenie

Martin short flattered to be aboard tim burton's frankenweenie

SCTV comedy legends Martin Short and Catherine O'Hara say they agreed to lend their voices to the new stop-motion animated tale Frankweenie for a simple reason: Tim Burton.

Dodd's, our place host free meals

Victoria's less privileged can share in nature's bounty as organizations celebrate Thanksgiving with hot meals for everyone. ? Dodd's Furniture hosts its 14th annual Thanksgiving dinner on Monday.
What do you call grandma's boyfriend?

What do you call grandma's boyfriend?

Terminology hasn't kept pace with older, unmarried couples

Emmy-winning strong to write hunger games scripts

Danny Strong has been selected to write the final two instalments of The Hunger Games for Lionsgate, according to a source with knowledge of the studio's plans.


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