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Short-story collection explores deep ground

Dear Life By Alice Munro Knopf, 336 pp., $26.95 She is regularly paired with Chekhov. In 2004, Jonathan Franzen suggested she might be "the best fiction writer now working in North America.

Unfilmable? Not any more

The rise of computer graphics has meant that even books considered impossible to film are on the big screen. Page D9

Comfort foods akin to a culinary hug

Kitchen memories can start young and sustain us over a lifetime

Jim Hume: Pearson was a politician who remembered the small things

My favourite major sports event today. Not because I'm a rabid football fan, but because Grey Cup day brings back remembrances of one of Canada's greatest prime ministers.

Diversions aplenty

The forecast for today is rather dreary, so why not sit and relax with a couple of pages worth of puzzles and games? Pages D10, D11

Star Trek desk setup helps students in math, study finds

Scientists designing and testing what they hope might become the classroom of the future have found that Star Trek-style multi-touch, multi-user desks can boost children's math skills.

Sunscreen blocks vitamin D

Dear doctors: I take a vitamin D every day, but I also put sunscreen on my exposed skin when I go outdoors. Won't the sunscreen interfere with the effects of the vitamin D? L.P.

Home-alone kids must learn to be responsible

Last week, a dad wrote to ask about how to keep his son on track when he's away at work. "There are times when my 13-yearold son needs to be home alone for a few hours before I get home from work in the later evening," he wrote.

It's tiring in the womb: Fetuses may yawn

Growing into a fully formed human being is a long process, and scientists have found that unborn babies not only hiccup, swallow and stretch in the womb, they yawn too.

Seeing doctor boosts blood pressure

Dear doctors: My husband has "white-coat" hypertension in the form of highly elevated blood pressure whenever he goes to the doctor for his routine checkups. He has a blood pressure monitor at home and checks his blood pressure at least once daily.