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Fire risk spurs recall of sunscreen

The makers of a popular line of sun products is expanding its recall of continuous spray sunscreens because they pose a fire risk.

Growth of wine sales outstrips other liquors

Canada's vintners reap benefit of changing fashions in drinking

Exploding myth of Coumadin diet

Dear doctors: I am a 60-year-old female. I was put on Coumadin because I have intermittent atrial fibrillation. Is it necessary to continue this drug for life? I cannot eat a healthy diet because it interferes with Coumadin.

Grapefruit-drug interaction can kill

Eating grape-fruit or drinking its juice can be a great way to get vitamin C, but it can be dangerous when taking certain prescription drugs.


Victoria filmmakers examine the Canadian Hollywood >D4


The Victoria Gilbert & Sullivan Society has been dedicated to promoting arts in Victoria, producing high-quality theatre performances - especially the works of William S. Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan.

Inside today

Cindy E. Harnett gives us in-depth profiles of all six candidates in the Victoria riding. See stories, pages D5 to D7. >Check on Monday night for the election results.
From Hungry Girl to low-cal empire

From Hungry Girl to low-cal empire

Lisa Lillien started as just another foodie trying to lose weight

At your service

BULLETIN BOARD The Times Colonist has one email address for all events listings: [email protected] Include a brief (25 words or fewer) description of the event, date, time, address, price and phone number.

Gold Christmas tree in Tokyo a mere $4.2M

For those seeking a glow to their Christmas this year, a jewelry store in downtown Tokyo has just the answer: a pure gold revolving "tree" covered in Disney characters such as Mickey Mouse, Tinker Bell and Cinderella.