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Nail-biting going on list of psychiatric disorders

The American Psychiatric Association plans to include nail-biting as a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder - also known as OCD - in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual revision for 2013.

Food: Is it mind over matter?

Your memory of small servings can make you feel more hungry

Monitor: The changing gear of policing

Today's officers are a high-tech contrast to the lightly equipped beat cops of old; From nightsticks and a revolver to Tasers and the latest communications

To serve and protect:

As Victoria has grown, so have the capabilities of the people who keep the community safe. These are some of the many ways the Victoria Police Department does its job

Major's Corner: A visit from the sister-in-law leaves the Major discombobulated

The grimmest of news arrived with my e and bacon last week: My wife's sister, the dreaded Pearl, would be foisting herself onto our perfect world for no less than two weeks beginning this weekend.

Around Town: Esquimalt's night to sparkle

The Celebration of Lights parade brings out the crowds every year

Tales from the vault: Brother XII - Seer or charlatan?

Late one night, a retired sea captain had a vision. Edward Arthur Wilson, a 46-year-old Englishman, had retired to the south of France in 1924. In the course of his life, he had travelled the world widely and had studied many traditions.

PSA-test risks outweigh benefits for 75-year-old

Dear doctors: I read your column on prostate cancer. I was surprised that you did not discuss the PSA test. My doctor has used this method many times when testing my blood. I have heard that for some, it is not very accurate. I am 75.
Elephant-dung beans make $50-a-cup brew

Elephant-dung beans make $50-a-cup brew

- In the lush hills of northern Thailand, a herd of 20 elephants is excreting some of the world's most expensive coffee.
A selection of some of our favourite children's books released in the last year

A selection of some of our favourite children's books released in the last year

When it comes to picture books, my kids and I don't always agree. As they get older, their likes and dislikes get stronger, which means I don't get to make all the decisions.