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J.L. Granatstein: Canada could help keep peace in China Sea

J.L. Granatstein: Canada could help keep peace in China Sea

The situation in the East China Sea remains tense, with Japan insisting on its rights to the Senkaku Islands to the west of Okinawa, and China, calling them the Diaoyu Islands, saying they are historically Chinese.
Comment: Why not ask voters about amalgamation?

Comment: Why not ask voters about amalgamation?

Only Victoria and Colwood have so far agreed to let voters express their views on amalgamation by answering a simple question on the ballot papers in the municipal elections later this year.
Les Leyne: Clark amps up resource-sector support

Les Leyne: Clark amps up resource-sector support

Interpreting and re-interpreting the May 14 election results never gets old for Premier Christy Clark.
Paula Simons: Edmonton bomb-carrier did us all a favour

Paula Simons: Edmonton bomb-carrier did us all a favour

The words bomb and bong sound alike. Their purposes are somewhat different. A bong can help to blow your mind. A bomb can help to blow you up. This might seem obvious.
Vancouver to Toronto by train: the beginning

Vancouver to Toronto by train: the beginning

The train cars that make up The Canadian were built in the mid-1950s, but their age doesn’t show when I first see them in the dim platform light on a Tuesday night, waiting for me to board. The first car I see from the station is the last one, No.
Comment: There is hope for people with mental illness

Comment: There is hope for people with mental illness

Mental illness is silent, but powerful. It is like having a rock in your shoe and you can’t remove it. It can strike when you least expect it and change your life forever. I have a mental illness.
Exploring New Monasticism

Exploring New Monasticism

Might you be called to live a life that is marked with greater simplicity, deeper rhythms of prayer, shared living with others, and compassion and companionship with your neighbours? We believe that an exciting movement of the Spirit is happening! Sm
Les Leyne: B.C. liquor reform a never-ending story

Les Leyne: B.C. liquor reform a never-ending story

‘We do not look with favour on, and very definitely recommend against, the exotic, dimly lighted, voluptuous type of cocktail bar which creates a delusive impression of opulence and social distinction.” That was one of the conclusions from a B.C.
Comment: The dangers of celebrity health endorsements

Comment: The dangers of celebrity health endorsements

Is it a good idea to embark on a genetic hunting expedition to see if you’re at “high risk” of developing a particular disease? That question was examined last month when the U.S.
Social media debate tilts toward providing news for free

Social media debate tilts toward providing news for free

That was me posting on the Times Colonist Twitter account yesterday during a friendly debate about the merits of newspaper paywalls.