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Les Leyne: Pipeline ‘would prevent fiscal disaster’

Les Leyne: Pipeline ‘would prevent fiscal disaster’

While all manner of environmental catastrophes have been contemplated during months of hearings into Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline plan, the company itself raised the possibility of a disaster of a different sort on Monday.
Graham Thomson: New BFF: Clark, Redford cosy up in Kelowna

Graham Thomson: New BFF: Clark, Redford cosy up in Kelowna

When premiers Christy Clark and Alison Redford held an exuberant joint news conference in Kelowna on Friday, they didn’t just hit the reset button on their relationship, they hit the erase button.
Weigh-in Wednesday #19

Weigh-in Wednesday #19

Wednesday, May 29th, 2013 - Finally a loss...only 1.9 pounds, but a loss nonetheless! Not seeing the scale go down as much as I would have liked it to in the previous couple of weeks took it's toll on my psyche.
Comment: MPs need courage in the face of cluster munitions

Comment: MPs need courage in the face of cluster munitions

As two girls growing up in Victoria, neither of us has heard about cluster munitions. Also known as cluster bombs, these are large bombs that scatter dozens or hundreds of smaller sub-munitions across an area the size of two or more football fields.
Iain Hunter: Fitting in is what adult life is all about

Iain Hunter: Fitting in is what adult life is all about

This is the season of high-school graduation ceremonies, celebrating the launching of unsuspecting youth upon an equally unsuspecting world and everyone professing to feel good about it.
Mark Milke: B.C.’s archeological bureaucracy is costly

Mark Milke: B.C.’s archeological bureaucracy is costly

Canada is a prosperous country, and one critical reason for that is our mostly secure approach to property rights.
Comment: Turkish protests underscore value of green space

Comment: Turkish protests underscore value of green space

Last week, my tasks downtown completed, I rested at Pioneer Square, the sun-dappled pocket park at Quadra and Rockland, adjacent to Christ Church Cathedral and opposite the busy YMCA.
Les Leyne: B.C. cabinet ministers get firm orders

Les Leyne: B.C. cabinet ministers get firm orders

Nineteen cabinet ministers got 19 personal letters from Premier Christy Clark after their swearing-in. They outline exactly what she wants done and how she wants them to do it. There’s an unmistakable air of authority in the mandate letters.
Monique Keiran: Plant prolificity produces a surfeit of sneezes

Monique Keiran: Plant prolificity produces a surfeit of sneezes

I’m allergic to plant sex. Specifically, plant sex of the windblown variety. Even more specifically, grass sex.
Grandpa Reflects On Being Dad

Grandpa Reflects On Being Dad

Five years ago an event took place that, while it may have lacked earth-shattering historical significance, had a deep impact on my personal life. Five years ago I welcomed the extraordinary gift of my first grandchild.