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Shannon Corregan: Call it what you like, it’s still racism

Shannon Corregan: Call it what you like, it’s still racism

Last weekend, the Quebec Soccer Federation reversed its decision to ban turban-wearing soccer players.
Kate Heartfield: Let’s reconsider geographical representation

Kate Heartfield: Let’s reconsider geographical representation

As Parliament rises for the summer, MPs fan out to spend time in their ridings, listening to constituents, eating burgers and being accountable. That’s the theory, anyway.
My Sweaty Little Secret

My Sweaty Little Secret

Shhhhh. Don’t tell anyone. Especially don’t tell my legs. I’ve signed up for my first marathon, in fact one of the most famous marathons in the world – the New York City marathon in November.
Comment: Changing the way we talk about refugees

Comment: Changing the way we talk about refugees

With terms like “bogus refugees” and “queue jumpers,” our national conversation about refugees has become noticeably negative.
Les Leyne: Rancour over aides' pay raises became louder than Liberals expected

Les Leyne: Rancour over aides' pay raises became louder than Liberals expected

The public reaction to the big pay hikes Premier Christy Clark’s office quietly arranged for B.C. Liberal government aides got a lot bigger and louder than they expected.
Geoff Johnson: New teachers need guidance from veterans

Geoff Johnson: New teachers need guidance from veterans

There is nothing new about apprenticeships, internships or any of the other forms of on-the-job training that have always been considered an important part of the development of newly trained doctors, lawyers, electricians, business graduates or perf
Dave Obee: Don’t let politics interfere with data access

Dave Obee: Don’t let politics interfere with data access

Much more information about your ancestors, about the early history of Victoria — about the entire country, in fact — will soon be available on your own computer, or at least at your local library.
Les Leyne: Polak’s job: Ensure projects are clean

Les Leyne: Polak’s job: Ensure projects are clean

Newly sworn-in Environment Minister Mary Polak was less than impressed Tuesday with Enbridge’s explanation about why it should be allowed to pipe heavy oil across B.C. and ship it off the coast. The B.C.
Comment: Western premiers need an infrastructure plan

Comment: Western premiers need an infrastructure plan

The western premiers wrapped up their annual conference Monday in Winnipeg. For the third year in a row, the premiers identified a lack of federal clarity on infrastructure investment as an ongoing issue and called for discussions with Ottawa.
"Exhausted, Glorious and Fully Alive" : The West Coast Trail and the Spirituality of Pilgrimage

"Exhausted, Glorious and Fully Alive" : The West Coast Trail and the Spirituality of Pilgrimage

At a recent church meeting, a colleague noted that in Europe the Churches are empty, but the pilgrimage sites are filled to overflowing.