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Les Leyne: Dix took a remarkable political gamble complaining about Liberal election tactics

Les Leyne: Dix took a remarkable political gamble complaining about Liberal election tactics

Adrian Dix said last week in announcing his plan to resign the New Democratic Party leadership that quitting was his default position right from election night.
L. Ian Macdonald: Time was once on BlackBerry's side

L. Ian Macdonald: Time was once on BlackBerry's side

Two years ago, Research in Motion founder Mike Lazaridis was hosting a conference called Innovation Nation at the Perimeter Institute, which he created in Waterloo, Ont.
Les Leyne: Budget hearings lose the big picture

Les Leyne: Budget hearings lose the big picture

It’s the presentation by the Invasive Species Council of Metro Vancouver that starts you wondering about the budget consultation process B.C. follows. In theory, it’s an inclusive, democratic-sounding idea. Every year, a committee of MLAs tours B.C.
Our good community events calendar just got better

Our good community events calendar just got better

Our self-serve community events calendar got an overhaul this week, making it easier to find and a lot easier to use.
Comment: Here’s how to get young Canadians voting

Comment: Here’s how to get young Canadians voting

Canadians could be excused for thinking the past year has been open season on the democratic ideals they treasure.
Cathedral hosts panel to discuss connections between media, spirituality and politics

Cathedral hosts panel to discuss connections between media, spirituality and politics

This Sunday, Sept 29, ideas and questions about the connection between media, spirituality and politics will be the subject of this month's Forum at Christ Church Cathedral. Before he left on sabbatical this fall, The Very Rev. Dr.
Les Leyne: MLAs’ housing allowance is a waste

Les Leyne: MLAs’ housing allowance is a waste

It’s time to call Premier Christy Clark’s bluff on her approach to using the legislature. The premier has a lot of control over when the legislature sits and for how long. Clark has an obvious distaste for that aspect of government.
Andrew Cohen: Iran has opportunity to shed pariah status

Andrew Cohen: Iran has opportunity to shed pariah status

It may be the biggest charm offensive since the Khmer Rouge tried belatedly to endear themselves to Cambodians. That didn’t go very well, but then, again, it’s hard to make nice to the relatives of one million dead.
Comment: Forests Ministry pushing grizzlies to extinction

Comment: Forests Ministry pushing grizzlies to extinction

Forests Minister Steve Thomson and the ministry he heads have lost credibility over management of forests for grizzly bear populations across the province.
Geoff Johnson: Trustees should know what’s in contract

Geoff Johnson: Trustees should know what’s in contract

Like marriage and the tango, it takes two parties to agree to a union contract: the employer and the employee, or at least the employee’s representative.