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Iain Hunter: No closer to al-Qaida than Al Capone

Iain Hunter: No closer to al-Qaida than Al Capone

Politicians have a knack of rising to occasions without bothering too much about what the occasions are. Premier Christy Clark is no exception.
David Bly: Too many deer are hard on the environment

David Bly: Too many deer are hard on the environment

A deer was killed by a car not far from our home, and my grandchildren were delighted.
Les Leyne: How to read a newspaper with style

Les Leyne: How to read a newspaper with style

There was a bit of a public thrash this week about the future of newspapers, after CTV aired stories questioning the future of the Vancouver Sun and The Province.
Monique Keiran: Use all your senses to get a taste of Victoria

Monique Keiran: Use all your senses to get a taste of Victoria

Victoria recently licensed 26 mobile food vendors to ply downtown residents and workers with grab-and-go lunches. Although a far cry from the 114 wheeled eateries licensed to operate on Vancouver’s downtown streets, it’s a welcome start.
"It's just like riding a bike..."

"It's just like riding a bike..."

...actually it IS riding a bike...a bicycle that has lived in the hallway of my loft for about the last 3 months.
Comment: B.C.’s carbon tax seen as a model in the U.S.

Comment: B.C.’s carbon tax seen as a model in the U.S.

James Hansen has studied climate change for more than 30 years. During that time, his alarm has grown steadily about the world his grandchildren will live in, as the accelerating climate crisis takes hold.
Voracious appetites lead to suffering

Voracious appetites lead to suffering

We wouldn't need/have faith if we harboured no doubts. Faith and doubt come into being together. For Buddhists, we see that suffering and craving arise together. Craving is the cause of suffering in much the same way as faith is caused by doubt.
Comment: It’s time to get hearing-aid users in the loop

Comment: It’s time to get hearing-aid users in the loop

Victoria could become one of Canada’s friendliest communities for people with hearing loss by installing a simple, inexpensive technology in public places. Telecoil hearing-loop systems dramatically increase accessibility for the hard-of-hearing.
Andrew Cohen: We are fortunate to have U.S. as a neighbour

Andrew Cohen: We are fortunate to have U.S. as a neighbour

At the beginning of every summer, Maclean’s publishes its Canada Day Survey. It is an early start on seasonal silliness, as filling as a Popsicle and as sturdy as a sandcastle.
Shannon Corregan: ‘Less worse’ not same as getting better

Shannon Corregan: ‘Less worse’ not same as getting better

Now that the Northern Gateway pipeline has apparently been put on hold after Premier Christy Clark’s decision not to push forward with the project, eyes are turning to the Keystone XL pipeline — and at the moment, it seems possible that Alberta’s pip