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Shamrocks creating a buzz

Shamrocks creating a buzz

There is a buzz in the air, and we’re not talking about those pesky wasps floating around town of late.
Shamrocks creating a buzz

Shamrocks creating a buzz

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Comment: We all need education on mobility-scooter issues

Comment: We all need education on mobility-scooter issues

As Sidney and the Union of B.C. Municipalities look to toughening regulations regarding the use of mobility devices, they should look also at how everyone interacts — pedestrians, vehicle drivers and those using scooters.
Naomi Lakritz: Quebec’s xenophobia should not be ignored

Naomi Lakritz: Quebec’s xenophobia should not be ignored

The Parti Québécois is turning Quebec into a xenophobic hellhole where the Charter rights of Canadian citizens to freedom of religion and freedom of expression are about to be revoked.
10 reasons to not complain about paying for online news

10 reasons to not complain about paying for online news

It was the kind of coincidence Alanis Morissette sings songs about. Less than a week after my last blog entry , which talked about the increased cost of an online subscription, our website experienced its worst outage in nearly a year.
Iain Hunter: The North no longer Cold War bulwark

Iain Hunter: The North no longer Cold War bulwark

Back in 2010, Prime Minister Stephen Harper went north of 60 in a fighting mood, with clenched fists.
David Bly: Some risks are too remote to worry about

David Bly: Some risks are too remote to worry about

There’s no shortage of things to worry about — we in the news business make sure of that.
Comment: Why put Canada last in federal telco policy?

Comment: Why put Canada last in federal telco policy?

I am puzzled and astounded by the federal government’s attempt to increase competition in the mobile-phone market by courting massive U.S. companies such as Verizon.


adjective \ˌla-kə-ˈdā-zi-kəl\ Definition of LACKADAISICAL : lacking life, spirit, or zest : languid — lack·a·dai·si·cal·ly adverb See lackadaisical defined for English-language learners » See lackadaisical defined for kids » Examples of LACKADAISICAL
Monique Keiran: Want to feel better? Walk in the park

Monique Keiran: Want to feel better? Walk in the park

Back when Nature Boy worked at a big California museum, I flew down to visit on a semi-regular basis. I remember looking out over the city as the aircraft made its final approach to L.A.’s airport.