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Geoff Johnson: Non-teaching staff are still essential

Geoff Johnson: Non-teaching staff are still essential

Several untested assumptions and a few erroneous conclusions are revealed when government indicates to school districts that it will pick up the tab for a proposed 10-year deal with teachers, but that school districts will still be on the hook for in
Kate Heartfield: Food ethics bring out the weird in people

Kate Heartfield: Food ethics bring out the weird in people

There aren’t many arguments left that rely on the notion of the ideal human in a state of nature. Except, for some odd reason, when it comes to the ethics of what we eat.
David Bly: Don’t get trampled by march of technology

David Bly: Don’t get trampled by march of technology

A quote in Darron Kloster’s story in Thursday’s Times Colonist about the closing of a downtown Victoria print shop caught my eye. “I’ve got a little offset press back here I can’t even give away,” owner Jim Head said.
Iain Hunter: Stop tilting at the Senate windmill

Iain Hunter: Stop tilting at the Senate windmill

Too bad about Thomas Mulcair. As leader of the Opposition, he should be taking on Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
Monique Keiran: ‘Impractical’ research lights the way

Monique Keiran: ‘Impractical’ research lights the way

No lights shine in the Centre of the Universe today. The staff who ran the interpretive centre at Little Saanich Mountain’s Dominion Astrophysical Observatory cleaned out their desks Friday, turned out the light and vacated the building.
Susan Martinuk: Why oil firms and cancer funding do mix

Susan Martinuk: Why oil firms and cancer funding do mix

The past three years have been a time of considerable heartache. Both of my parents were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
Comment: Nurses the backbone of our health-care system

Comment: Nurses the backbone of our health-care system

For many Canadians, Labour Day is associated with the long weekend before school starts and the beginning of the end of another all-too-short summer.
Entering the spiritual dimension of birth

Entering the spiritual dimension of birth

‘Spiritual birth recognizes that each and every birth is the birth of the Christ child.
Shannon Corregan: Enough tee-heeing about toplessness

Shannon Corregan: Enough tee-heeing about toplessness

So can we quit it with the boob puns already? Since I began reading about last weekend’s topless march in Vancouver, I think I’ve seen just about every nudity-based pun imaginable.
Comment: Free market should prevail in telco controversy

Comment: Free market should prevail in telco controversy

The “wireless war” between the federal government and telecommunication leaders, regrettably, has degenerated into name-calling. That’s not a good thing. There’s too much agitation in the conversation.