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All head shots in hockey must be taken seriously

Re: "Suspension over, Stahl set for season debut with Royals" and "Penalty derails Grizzlies," Sept. 27.

Trams would work to reduce bus problems

Re: "Poor regional planning cause of transit problems," Oct. 7. The writer brings up some excellent points about lousy service to University of Victoria students trying to bus to school.

Waldner will be a hard act to follow

Howard Waldner, the retiring CEO of the Vancouver Island Health Authority, will be a hard act to follow.

Drivers' rights need protection

The provincial government brought the hammer down on drunk drivers, and now it wants to go after dangerous drivers who repeatedly flout laws that are supposed to keep us safe on the roads.
Fans love opera more than director does

Fans love opera more than director does

Re: "Macbeth goes Italian, operatic," Oct. 4. I was surprised to read that Pacific Opera Victoria's Macbeth director, Morris Panych, finds opera "really boring ... and repetitive.

Young politicians too often have old ideas

Everyone wants to attract young people to our decrepit and discredited political arena - indeed, many look to generational change for a fresh start - but we shouldn't confuse "young" with "new.

Who's that in Canada's flag?

Has anyone else noticed that our Canadian flag is actually a picture of two people yelling at each other? Look at the white spaces between the red and you will see two people with their foreheads together, with long pointy noses, yelling.

Attack of the living dead was offensive

Re: "Bite of the living dead," Oct. 7. Disgusting! That's all I can say about your pathetic attempt to make news out of an offensive ritual. John Stonehouse Victoria

New teachers face struggle to find jobs

Speaking to a room full of final-year student teachers at the University of Victoria last week was a bittersweet experience. Sweet a bittersweet experience.

Merger of B.C., Alberta would solve problems

Canada is an incredibly blessed country with immense natural resources, human potential and institutions that are tasked with making it all work.