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Your Good Health: Why some people shouldn't run

Your Good Health: Why some people shouldn't run

Dear Dr. Roach: A few years ago, I was diagnosed with ischemic colitis after running a half-marathon. My doctor advised me not to run more than 15 kilometres at a time.
50 shades of red: There's a lipstick for everyone this holiday season

50 shades of red: There's a lipstick for everyone this holiday season

Colour bleed be damned. There’s a red lipstick for everybody nowadays. You know how celebrity beauty guru Ted Gibson found that out? “My mother has just now been wearing red lipstick since I turned her onto it over the last two years.
Your Good Health: Intense pain isn’t the only sign you need a joint replacement

Your Good Health: Intense pain isn’t the only sign you need a joint replacement

Dear Dr. Roach: It would be helpful if you described some of the warning signs/symptoms of a bad hip that requires replacement. I now know that such a condition does not necessarily announce itself with chronic severe pain in the hip.
Family pins hopes for teen with leukemia on experimental treatment

Family pins hopes for teen with leukemia on experimental treatment

Still a teenager, Kyle McConkey has already endured two transplants in his ongoing battle with leukemia. Now his Tsawwassen family are pinning their hopes on a last-ditch experimental treatment available only in Seattle.
Global Voices: Multinationals create problems for lawmakers of all nations

Global Voices: Multinationals create problems for lawmakers of all nations

In the black of night, the gas cloud was almost invisible as it engulfed the sleeping shantytowns. It curled through open windows and gaps in ramshackle walls. By sunrise, thousands had suffered a slow, choking death.

The Doctor Game: Cholesterol-lowering drugs can hurt hearts

Heart failure is the fastest growing cause of heart disease in North America. What’s ironic is that the medication prescribed to prevent heart problems may be causing weakened hearts and sapping energy from our 100 trillion cells.
Ask Eric: How to make meat-free cabbage rolls

Ask Eric: How to make meat-free cabbage rolls

Dear Eric: When I was growing up, my mother (of Ukrainian descent) made wonderful cabbage rolls, but did not use a meat filling, just rice. I have looked at recipes and all that I’ve found contain meat.
Family 411: Good manners pay off for kids

Family 411: Good manners pay off for kids

Saying “thank you” is often the first lesson in manners parents teach their children. Science now shows the benefits of those words flow both ways.

The truth about kissing: shared spit means shared bacteria

Scientists have demonstrated that boys (well, men) really do have cooties (a simplified term for bacteria) that can spread to girls (OK, women) by kissing them.
Brain-stimulation therapy can help treat depression

Brain-stimulation therapy can help treat depression

TORONTO — Doctors are increasingly turning to brain-stimulation therapy, a non-invasive procedure that uses electromagnetic energy, to treat severe depression that doesn’t respond to standard antidepressant medications and psychotherapy.