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Delicious way to eat your cabbage

Delicious way to eat your cabbage

My grandmother, who lived to be 92, always said the key to her good health was that whenever possible, she ate cabbage. Now if that isn’t a motto worth needlepointing, I don’t what is … But Grandma was onto something.
Eric Akis: Dress up the parsnip

Eric Akis: Dress up the parsnip

Nutty, buttery root vegetable can be used in soup, mash and even cake
Your Good Health: Gnashing teeth over bad dentures

Your Good Health: Gnashing teeth over bad dentures

Dear Dr. Roach: After 50-plus years with the same set of dentures, my husband decided to get new ones. The old ones were so worn they would no longer chew food effectively.
Your Good Health: Post-menopausal period calls for investigation

Your Good Health: Post-menopausal period calls for investigation

Dear Dr. Roach: I am a post-menopausal woman (12 years since my last cycle). Last month, I had a light period that lasted more than a week. I have seen my gynecologist, who sent me for a pelvic ultrasound and a transvaginal ultrasound.

Running clinics offer leg upon Times Colonist 10K

Anyone looking at joining a disciplined fitness program to run or walk the Times Colonist 10K on April 26 are finding lots of company and camaraderie close at hand as official training clinics start on Saturday and continue next week.
Kidney patients urged to be assertive about finding donors

Kidney patients urged to be assertive about finding donors

Kidney transplant patient Ken Merkley has one regret — not asking his six brothers and sisters to give him one of their kidneys. “Don’t be like I was,” Merkley advises renal patients with failed kidneys.
January swimmers keep the faith in Greek Orthodox cross dive

January swimmers keep the faith in Greek Orthodox cross dive

Vancouver’s Kitsilano Beach became a chilly location for a pious swim on Sunday.
The Doctor Game: Is the vitamin D bandwagon ahead of science?

The Doctor Game: Is the vitamin D bandwagon ahead of science?

Here are some of the 100 or more medical conditions that have been associated with decreased blood levels of vitamin D: arthritis, asthma, colon cancer, emphysema, dementia, depression, diabetes, coronary heart disease, fibromyalgia, hypertension, in
Global Voices: Meet the heroes of Haiti's cholera crisis

Global Voices: Meet the heroes of Haiti's cholera crisis

In the fall of 2010, cholera arrived in Haiti like the hydra from Greek mythology. For every patient Dr. Denold Milsoit treated, two more would be carried in. Thousands would succumb to its poisonous bite.
Ask Eric: How to microwave fish

Ask Eric: How to microwave fish

Trial and error led to cooking fish in 90-second bursts to avoid explosions