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Food and Drink

Ask Eric: How to make granola

Ask Eric: How to make granola

Dear Eric: Would you have a good recipe for granola? Susan Dear Susan: I certainly do. And a sleepy Sunday is the perfect time to make granola. You can leisurely shop for its ingredients.
Ask Eric: Slow cooking takes time, but results can be satisfying

Ask Eric: Slow cooking takes time, but results can be satisfying

Dear Eric: Slow cooker recipes usually give you a choice of using, for example, the low setting for seven to nine hours, or the high setting for 3.5 to 4.5 hours.
Canned salmon makes the cake

Canned salmon makes the cake

With the price of seafood, it’s no wonder fresh fish for many families is a special-occasion meal. There is an affordable alternative — canned wild salmon is prized for its great taste, convenience and excellent nutritional qualities.
Recipe: Scotch egg with a twist

Recipe: Scotch egg with a twist

Frankly, it’s hard to produce a healthy rendering of a Scotch egg. But we decided to give it a go, because these delicious little calorie bombs are just too tempting.
Salute spring with strawberry shortcake

Salute spring with strawberry shortcake

Strawberries need no preamble. One fine day they simply appear — entirely welcome, never dreary. Time to heap them over shortcake and make short work of saluting spring.
Eric Akis: Bison good burger fare

Eric Akis: Bison good burger fare

Dear Eric: I know bison is very lean and that, as well as its taste, is why I like it. But I have trouble making burgers that don’t fall apart.
Ask Eric: What paper to cook on?

Ask Eric: What paper to cook on?

Eric Akis explains the different uses for waxed paper and parchment paper
Ask Eric: How to make gluten-free pizza

Ask Eric: How to make gluten-free pizza

Dear Eric: I have tried unsuccessfully using potato and rice flour to make the crust for pizza because of my allergy to gluten.
Ask Eric: How to make crispy coating

Ask Eric: How to make crispy coating

Dear Eric: Would you have recipes for different batters? I am thinking fish and a crispy/crunchy batter for chicken, such as preparing strips, etc. Reg Blackmore Dear Reg: Below are three recipes to try.
Erik Akis: Predictions for your plate

Erik Akis: Predictions for your plate

This is my first column of 2014 and I thought I’d get things cooking by sharing food trends predicted for this year. Below are some of the numerous ones being made by new services, associations, bloggers, consultants and others.