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Vinegar made from herbs is great for vinaigrettes

Dear Reena: Do you have a recipe for making vinegar with herbs? Debra Dear Debra: In a re-sealable glass container combine: 1 large bunch of clean herbs such as basil or tarragon with three cups white wine vinegar. Store in a cool, dry place.
Chic home decor on a Dollar Store budget

Chic home decor on a Dollar Store budget

Fashion designer J. Wesley Tann had a piece of advice for the six women who signed up for his city-sponsored class on home decorating. "The Dollar Store makes you look so good," Tann told them. "You'll wonder how you ever got along without it.


Mike Holmes >E2

Fire-safety tips for using small appliances

When using appliances, follow the manufacturer's safety precautions. Overheating, unusual smells, shorts, and sparks are all warning signs that appliances need to be shut off, then replaced or repaired.

Start with what you love

As a designer of custom jewelry, Amanda Keidan sometimes takes delicate vintage pieces and reworks them into intricately sculptured, modern collections. The same could be said of her sunny, art-filled home in Venice, California.

Safety is not child's play

I'm always talking about different ways to make your home better, healthier and safer. You know the saying "think outside the box?" Well, it's important to think outside the home - especially if we're talking about children's safety.


Debbie Travis >E10

Haunted houses for sale

Just in time for Halloween, has come up with a list it calls Spectacular Spooky Homes You Can Buy. Here, from top to bottom, are four of the top 10:


Debbie Travis >E10

Plan ahead for the glory of spring blooming bulbs

October is the bulb-planting month for spring surprises, so think daffodils, tulips, crocuses, hyacinths and other early season-flowering beauties. At Brent and Becky's Bulbs in Gloucester, Virginia, (online at brentandbeckysbulbs.