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Bumps in the Road

I know it has been a long time between posts and that has been a source of consternation for me. That's not my ego talking. I haven't blogged because I haven't done anything remotely close to writing in over a month. (There, it's out for all to see.

A Busy Time For Writers

I apologize for the delay in posting. Between our writing contest wrapping up, a new computer at work and the extra-busy season in the advertising world, blogging got pushed down the to-do list.
Victoria's arts community mourns the loss of Joan Mans, grandmother of all fans

Victoria's arts community mourns the loss of Joan Mans, grandmother of all fans

Years ago, soon after I started covering theatre for this newspaper, an English-accented woman started phoning me regularly. She seemed a bit, well, odd. She demanded appraisals of the latest plays.


I’ve been thinking a lot about the (my?) writing process these past couple of weeks – most likely because I’ve been very busy and have spent zero time actually writing.

Collected Wisdom

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the entries to our So You Think You Can Write contest have had a great impact on me.

Write What We Read

I was lucky enough to attend a book launch earlier this week at Munro's Books. It was the stuff of daydreams . . .

But ...

I've had an epiphany these last few weeks, writing these few blog posts and focussing much of my work time on our So You Think You Can Write contest and promotion: the more I write, the more I want to write.

A Bit More About Contests

I've had the privledge of scanning some of the entries to our So You Think You Can Write contest and I'm amazed, humbled and inspired by the ways people express themselves and by the passion poured onto each page.

The Value of Writing Contests

"I love deadlines. I like the whoosing sound they make as they fly by.

Launching First Draft

Some time ago I suggested to my employer the Times Colonist that we run a writing-related promotion where readers get a chance to get in on the action (it’s called So You Think You Can Write and is open for entries now.