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6 Reasons Why Parksville Qualicum Beach Is The Most Relaxing Place In BC

6 Reasons Why Parksville Qualicum Beach Is The Most Relaxing Place In BC

Work, grocery shopping, catching up with friends, squeezing in that morning run, responding to the never-ending bleeps from your cell phone - it’s exhausting just thinking about all of the things you have to do in your day-to-day life.
Historic Happenings at Parksville Qualicum Beach

Historic Happenings at Parksville Qualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach is beloved by visitors, and for good reason.
Explore Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region as part of the world’s largest outdoor treasure hunt

Explore Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region as part of the world’s largest outdoor treasure hunt

Mount Arrowsmith - the imposing basalt mountain which stands as the highest point on southern Vancouver Island - isn’t just one of the region’s most recognizable landmarks, it’s also one of its most jaw-dropping.
5 reasons why you should celebrate spring at the Brant Wildlife Festival

5 reasons why you should celebrate spring at the Brant Wildlife Festival

The days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer, which means that spring is right around the corner.
Discover Victoria and Vancouver Island

Discover Victoria and Vancouver Island

Less than a two-hour boat and car trip from downtown Vancouver, Vancouver Island is a favourite getaway destination for Lower Mainland locals and visitors alike.
When it comes to investing, knowledge is power

When it comes to investing, knowledge is power

Are you an investor? It’s a simple enough question, but one that a surprising number of British Columbians answer “no” to, even though the majority of them are.
Staying put or pulling up stakes? Here’s how to improve your home’s current value

Staying put or pulling up stakes? Here’s how to improve your home’s current value

To sell, or not to sell —that is the question in today’s shifting real estate market. From rising interest rates, to mortgage stress tests, to the speculation tax, predicting what’s next for B.C.’s housing market is a complex task at best.
Neil Moody: B.C. still facing significant housing affordability crisis despite government attempts

Neil Moody: B.C. still facing significant housing affordability crisis despite government attempts

B.C.’s government reached a deal with the B.C. Green Party on Bill 45 the province’s new Speculation and Vacancy Tax. Despite its amendments, caveats and primary intention, the tax will not single-handedly solve B.C.’s housing affordability crisis.
Why BC’s nurses need your help

Why BC’s nurses need your help

Understaffed, overworked and at risk of violence - the conditions faced by our province’s nurses are reaching critical levels.
A Hybrid Strategy to Combat Rising Gas Prices

A Hybrid Strategy to Combat Rising Gas Prices

Forget the old myths: a hybrid guarantees you long-term efficiency and economy