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Cities around the world share many challenges. To address them, they need to develop science diplomacy

This article was originally published on The Conversation, an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts. Disclosure information is available on the original site.
UN climate talks leader says financial help for poor nations is urgent goal of negotiations

UN climate talks leader says financial help for poor nations is urgent goal of negotiations

The head of upcoming climate negotiations told world leaders Wednesday that a new financial aid package for poor and disaster-struck nations is the urgent, make-or-break goal of United Nations talks this fall.
Webcam monitors hundreds of rattlesnakes at a Colorado 'mega den' for citizen science

Webcam monitors hundreds of rattlesnakes at a Colorado 'mega den' for citizen science

FORT COLLINS, Colo. (AP) — They creep, slither and slide over and around each other by the dozen and now there's a webcam so that anybody can watch them online at any time, even at night.

Brazilian researchers discover dinosaur fossil after heavy rains in Rio Grande do Sul

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — A team of Brazilian scientists has discovered a fossilized skeleton of what they believe is one of the world’s oldest dinosaurs after heavy rains in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul accelerated the natural process of eros
Amazon Prime Day is a big event for scammers, experts warn

Amazon Prime Day is a big event for scammers, experts warn

NEW YORK (AP) — Amazon Prime Day is here, and experts are reminding consumers to be wary of scams. Deceptions such as phony emails from people impersonating online retailers like Amazon are nothing new.
Toronto report eyes province's requirements under Ontario Science Centre lease

Toronto report eyes province's requirements under Ontario Science Centre lease

TORONTO — Ontario's lease for the Ontario Science Centre building allows the city to end the agreement early and leave Ontario on the hook for demolition costs if the building is no longer fit for use, a new city of Toronto report says.
Kaspersky will shutter US operations after software is banned by Commerce Department, citing risk

Kaspersky will shutter US operations after software is banned by Commerce Department, citing risk

NEW YORK (AP) — Cybersecurity firm Kaspersky says it's shutting down all of its operations in the United States, just weeks after the Commerce Department banned the use of the company's software in the country.
Robot umpire challenge system could be tested next spring training, 2026 regular-season use possible

Robot umpire challenge system could be tested next spring training, 2026 regular-season use possible

ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) — Major League Baseball could test robot umpires as part of a challenge system in spring training next year, which could lead to regular-season use in 2026.
Amazon Prime Day is a major cause of injuries for warehouse workers, Senate review says

Amazon Prime Day is a major cause of injuries for warehouse workers, Senate review says

NEW YORK (AP) — Amazon’s popular Prime Day sales event has been “a major cause of injuries” for warehouse workers who pick and pack customer orders at the e-commerce giant's facilities across the United States, according to a report released Tuesday
Baltic countries notify Russia and Belarus they will exit the Moscow-controlled electricity grid

Baltic countries notify Russia and Belarus they will exit the Moscow-controlled electricity grid

VILNIUS, Lithuania (AP) — The electricity grid operators of the three Baltic countries on Tuesday officially notified Russia and Belarus that they will exit a 2001 agreement that has kept Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania connected to an electricity tran