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Editorial: Government fumbled on human rights appointment

Editorial: Government fumbled on human rights appointment

A mere apology isn’t sufficient. Heads should roll in the Privy Council Office for such grievous mishandling of a sensitive appointment.
Comment: Connect communities with more frequent and affordable transit

Comment: Connect communities with more frequent and affordable transit

British Columbia governments spend about $1,000 annually per capita on roads, $215 to subsidize urban transit, plus about $50 on sidewalks and bikeways, but less than $5 on interregional bus services connecting communities.
Letters July 18: What Elizabeth May really said; McKinnon Pool and UVic's responsibilities

Letters July 18: What Elizabeth May really said; McKinnon Pool and UVic's responsibilities

Adrian Raeside cartoon: What's happening with BC United

Adrian Raeside cartoon: What's happening with BC United

Cartoonist Adrian Raeside checks in on what's happening with the BC United party
Comment: Health reform comes with pragmatic steps

Comment: Health reform comes with pragmatic steps

The concept of indefinite growth must be replaced by a steady-state economy that prioritizes sufficiency over excess.
Letters July 17: Unpleasant versus criminal; a great experience in downtown Victoria; what Elizabeth May said

Letters July 17: Unpleasant versus criminal; a great experience in downtown Victoria; what Elizabeth May said

Comment: Landlord with a problem tenant has few options

Comment: Landlord with a problem tenant has few options

The tenant and her many house guests showed us and our property little to no respect.
Letters July 16: Chaos on Pandora Avenue; we need involuntary care; more money for police

Letters July 16: Chaos on Pandora Avenue; we need involuntary care; more money for police

Adrian Raeside cartoon: New gear for paramedics in Victoria

Adrian Raeside cartoon: New gear for paramedics in Victoria

Cartoonist Adrian Raeside considers some new gear for paramedics in Victoria
Opinion: Canada's soccer success may soon be overshadowed by World Cup costs

Opinion: Canada's soccer success may soon be overshadowed by World Cup costs

You would never gamble your household economy on the extraordinary expense and risky return that Vancouver will in playing footsie for footie with FIFA.