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Week 10 - That's better!

Week 10 - That's better!

Week 10 - WOW!! I am almost at the end of the 12 TC Health/Happy Challenge. Time has flown by!! What did I learn this week: 1. I may actually be able to do this! 2. I am a closet dork.
Comment: Tories are ignoring children and families

Comment: Tories are ignoring children and families

The federal government states its priorities are jobs and a strong economy, yet it ignores the best method to achieve both these goals.
Shannon Corregan: Immigration ad absurd but dangerous

Shannon Corregan: Immigration ad absurd but dangerous

If you have 15 seconds and you’re looking for a laugh, then have I got a recommendation for you. Go watch the Government of Canada’s new public service announcement.
L. Iain MacDonald: Mulcair leaves Canadians asking: Who is he?

L. Iain MacDonald: Mulcair leaves Canadians asking: Who is he?

On the first anniversary of Tom Mulcair’s election as leader of the New Democratic Party, the question is whether he has exceeded expectations. It’s a bit like companies putting out year-end numbers.
Weigh-in Wednesday #9

Weigh-in Wednesday #9

What happens when you get your period, and then there's Saint Patrick's Day, and they coincide in the same week, and your weight loss for the previous weigh-in Wednesday was -0.
Les Leyne: Carbon audit starts storm of criticism

Les Leyne: Carbon audit starts storm of criticism

Auditor general John Doyle holds an edge going into any public argument with the government. People are predisposed to mistrust government. And any response government has to an audit sounds defensive, by definition.
David Bly: A cheap lesson in emergency preparedness

David Bly: A cheap lesson in emergency preparedness

Last week’s windstorm deprived our home of electricity for 14 hours, giving us an opportunity to test our emergency plan. It’s full of holes.
Comment: Public will be consulted on biosolids centre

Comment: Public will be consulted on biosolids centre

As we move to upgrading our sewage treatment in our region, finding a site large enough (a minimum of three hectares) for a biosolids-processing facility in an urban area is a difficult challenge.
The Easter Butterfly

The Easter Butterfly

This morning I saw a butterfly. It swooped gracefully down into the garden where I was working, catching me by surprise by such an early Spring appearance. As I watched it, I was reminded of a joke a friend once shared with me.
Surviving a run in the desert

Surviving a run in the desert

The risks of running in extremely hot weather is not something that’s top of mind for runners in Victoria.