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Les Leyne: Parliamentary reform idea resurrected

Les Leyne: Parliamentary reform idea resurrected

The first-term B.C. Liberals were mad keen about electoral and parliamentary reform. They brought in budget-transparency legislation that lessened the likelihood of monkey business.
Comment: Pension funds should belong to workers, not investors

Comment: Pension funds should belong to workers, not investors

Last week, the Supreme Court delivered another blow to beleaguered pensioners, ruling that Canadian law prioritizes bankers and hedge funds over retired people facing drastic reductions in their incomes.
Comment: Time to resuscitate mental-health services in B.C.

Comment: Time to resuscitate mental-health services in B.C.

In his column of Feb. 2, “No justice for the mentally ill caught in the cracks,” Jack Knox quotes Dr. Shabehram Lohrasbe as referring to sick people being spun through a revolving door or not getting treatment until it is too late.
Andrew Cohen: Gung-ho on Iraq, Harper cautious on Mali

Andrew Cohen: Gung-ho on Iraq, Harper cautious on Mali

On Feb. 5, 2003, Colin Powell went to the United Nations to make the case against Iraq. It was a theatrical performance, based on faulty intelligence and extravagant claims. It set the table for war. On March 20, the United States attacked Iraq.
Les Leyne: Missteps plague auditor-general issue

Les Leyne: Missteps plague auditor-general issue

How not to hire an auditor general: n The first step is to give the selection job to someone who isn’t up to it. It’s the responsibility of an all-party committee, and anyone chairing one needs a lot of finesse to get anything done.
Weigh-In Wednesday #3

Weigh-In Wednesday #3

Oh, Wednesday. Again I am excited to see the numbers drop on the scale...and I'm not sure what to expect this week, because I haven't been hopping up on the scale EVERY morning.
Les Leyne: Why there's ill will between auditors and legislatures

Les Leyne: Why there's ill will between auditors and legislatures

It’s too bad people feel so constrained in public life that they speak much more frankly when the microphones are off. Or when they think the microphones are off.
Elizabeth Payne: CIDA’s approach to ‘loyalty’ is heavy-handed

Elizabeth Payne: CIDA’s approach to ‘loyalty’ is heavy-handed

Canadian International Development Agency employees are being warned to keep criticism of their department to themselves — or face disciplinary action.
"All right, I’m ready for my closeup Mr. DeMille."

"All right, I’m ready for my closeup Mr. DeMille."

Before workout.
Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Super awesomesauce workout this morning, then I head to my "office" in the lobby of the Crystal Pool & Fitness Centre to do a little blogging...and I am thwarted. It's like red threw up all over the place...