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Geoff Johnson: We should try to lift the weakest among us

Geoff Johnson: We should try to lift the weakest among us

Rosemary Brown, the first black woman elected to a Canadian legislature, is remembered for her insightful and succinct remarks about the political condition.
Les Leyne: Will premier’s grovelling be enough?

Les Leyne: Will premier’s grovelling be enough?

The days of good alternatives are gone for Premier Christy Clark’s government. All that’s left now is to figure out the least worst alternative.
Comment: Children’s mental-health care in need of overhaul

Comment: Children’s mental-health care in need of overhaul

My daughter, Hayden Blair, is forever 16. She took her life Dec. 19, 2010, while in the care of the Vancouver Island Health Authority at Ledger House at the Queen Alexandra Centre for Children’s Health.
The Love Song of Harry Bloy

The Love Song of Harry Bloy

To some, it was a pointed attack on the media. To others, it was pure unintentional poetry.
The Joy of Art Making

The Joy of Art Making

Play has a central roll in the work of making art. This belies the impression that serious Art is made by serious people.
An attitude adjustment

An attitude adjustment

After writing stories on the the five participants in the Times Colonist Health Challenge, it's time now to write about myself. I hope, through these stories, that we're inspiring a few readers to start their own fitness plan.
Iain Hunter: Grasp the nettle of guaranteed income

Iain Hunter: Grasp the nettle of guaranteed income

It has been brought to my attention recently that, like any querulous columnist, I’m good at pointing out problems, but lack the courage to suggest solutions.
Susan Martinuk: Flanagan needs education about child porn

Susan Martinuk: Flanagan needs education about child porn

We’ve all had occasions when we’ve carelessly said the wrong thing or made a humorous remark, only to find out that it wasn’t remotely funny or even appropriate. At that point, most of us sense the chill in the room and stop talking.
Comment: B.C. should learn from heritage-fund flaws

Comment: B.C. should learn from heritage-fund flaws

The governing B.C. Liberals recently announced in the throne speech the creation of a B.C. Prosperity Fund similar in concept to Alberta’s heritage trust fund. B.C.’s fund is meant to capitalize on future opportunities from natural-gas development.
Thousands raised for Baby Madrona

Thousands raised for Baby Madrona

Looking out at the crowd of people gathered to walk and run to raise money for an ill young child, Baby Madrona's uncle was on the edge of tears even as his voice spoke with strength and faith.