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How a Canadian adventure helped create Donald Trump's empire

How a Canadian adventure helped create Donald Trump's empire

WASHINGTON — Canadians amused by the improbable presidential run of Donald Trump might be surprised to learn the role their own country played in shaping his story.
Dubious polls hurt credibility, democracy: pollsters

Dubious polls hurt credibility, democracy: pollsters

OTTAWA — A dubious poll purporting to show Justin Trudeau trailing in his own Montreal riding has set off alarm bells in an industry already struggling to regain credibility after some spectacular failures to gauge election outcomes.
Has the UN asked Canada to take 9,000 refugees by Christmas?

Has the UN asked Canada to take 9,000 refugees by Christmas?

OTTAWA — “The UN has asked us to bring in 9,000 refugees before Christmas; you won’t do it. They’ve asked for 46,000 over the next four years, you won’t do it.” — NDP Leader Tom Mulcair to Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
Expat Wayne Gretzky can’t vote, but PM Harper happy to stump with him

Expat Wayne Gretzky can’t vote, but PM Harper happy to stump with him

TORONTO — Conservative Leader Stephen Harper did some deft skating Friday when he was told hockey legend Wayne Gretzky would be unable to vote for him Oct. 19 thanks to rules barring long-term Canadian expats from casting a ballot.
Liberals, NDP pounce on Harper over auto sector remarks

Liberals, NDP pounce on Harper over auto sector remarks

OTTAWA — Stephen Harper was under fire Friday for a debate remark the previous evening in which he predicted the auto sector may not like the outcome of the Trans-Pacific Partnership talks.
Understanding what cuts the government made to refugee health care

Understanding what cuts the government made to refugee health care

OTTAWA — Issues related to refugees continue to come up on the campaign trail, most often linked to the Syrian refugee crisis. But the Liberals and the NDP have also both attacked Conservative Leader Stephen Harper over refugee health-care coverage.
NDP candidate backs off proposal to reopen Constitution for Senate, niqab

NDP candidate backs off proposal to reopen Constitution for Senate, niqab

LAC-MEGANTIC, Que. — A Quebec NDP candidate who proposed reopening the Constitution to revisit freedom of religion in order to rule on the question of niqabs now says his comments were ill-considered and “contradictory.
Friday on the federal campaign trail: 'old-stock Canadians,' crude promises, Gretzky

Friday on the federal campaign trail: 'old-stock Canadians,' crude promises, Gretzky

OTTAWA — A look at key developments Friday on the campaign trail: Conservative Leader Stephen Harper was asked Friday to clarify a controversial comment from Thursday night’s debate.
Harper attacks rivals over economic policies that will cost thousands of jobs

Harper attacks rivals over economic policies that will cost thousands of jobs

CALGARY — Stephen Harper blasted his two main rivals in the leaders’ debate Thursday for economic policies which he says will cost thousands of jobs and hit Canadians in the pocketbook.
Trudeau combative, under fire over economic plan in Calgary leaders’ debate

Trudeau combative, under fire over economic plan in Calgary leaders’ debate

CALGARY — A combative Justin Trudeau was under fire from all sides Thursday as opponents slammed the Liberal leader’s economic plan as a formula for dumping debt on future generations and raising the taxes of working Canadians.