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Stomach surgery can cause adhesion

Dear doctors: My 85-yearold wife had a benign ovarian tumour removed in 2008. During a vacation in Florida the next year, she had a bowel blockage. The treatment was insertion of a tube through her nose and into the stomach.


Since 1865, the Salvation Army has provided practical help and compassionate care - without prejudice.

Mom's smoke, reading linked

Babies exposed to their mother's cigarette smoke in the womb later perform more poorly on reading comprehension tests, according to a new study.
Tipped spear older than thought: study

Tipped spear older than thought: study

It was among early man's greatest technological feats: a fully engineered weapon that combined a wooden shaft, mixed adhesives and a stone that had been chiselled to a lethal point.

Eric Akis: Despite the ads, pork is red meat

Dear Eric: Can you please confirm if pork is actually considered red meat? I had always understood that it was white, but have since heard that was only due to a specific advertising strategy.


Diversions >D10, D11

Tom Hawthorn book: Finding new life in death

After I kick the bucket, I want Tom Hawthorn to write my obituary. He's the master. He brings the dead to life. Hawthorn is to the obit what Harvey Lowe was to the yoyo. Or Babe Ruth to baseball.

Lessons in the Dustbowl

MONDAY VIEWING It's the side story of the dirty thirties, one told in John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath and retold tonight in documentarian Ken Burns's stirring account of the dust bowl.

Tales from the Vault: Rabble-rouser or pro-union martyr?

Driving into Courtenay in the late 1990s, I would see a sign on the highway saying "Ginger Goodwin Way." Goodwin, I knew, had been a labour leader in the early 20th century and a strong socialist. During the First World War, he had preached pacifism.
Israel and Hamas: Why now?

Israel and Hamas: Why now?

Renewed conflict sparked by Arab Spring, deep hatred - and the Israeli election