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Plus-sized model takes on body-shaming bullies

Plus-sized model takes on body-shaming bullies

A Vancouver model who found herself in the crosshairs of a cruel social media body-shaming campaign is taking a stand against her online bullies.
As men age, many become more subservient to female partners

As men age, many become more subservient to female partners

Was Carl Jung, the Swiss psychologist, right about American men — a century ago? In 1912, when the groundbreaking psychologist took a ship to the U.S., he was taken aback by the way husbands acted around wives.

Global Voices: Fall of foreign reporting dangerous trend

The bomb blast ignited the hut’s roof. Flaming thatch fell into a foxhole full of cowering children. A young brother and sister died horribly, and six more children suffered terrible burns.

The Doctor Game: A darker side to the pink pill

George Carlin, the American comedian, when referring to God, once remarked, “He, and if there is a God, I am convinced he is a he, because no woman could or would screw things up this badly.
How marital infidelity leaves kids at a loss

How marital infidelity leaves kids at a loss

Divorce is often ugly, but the consequences for children when infidelity is involved can deepen their anxiety, anger or confusion.
Stores adapt to young buyers

Stores adapt to young buyers

Giulia Pugliese is a typical teenager. She likes to look good, and she’s particular about what she wears.
Weight-loss program expands at Victoria's Royal Jubilee Hospital

Weight-loss program expands at Victoria's Royal Jubilee Hospital

The chairs are larger than usual and so are the blood-pressure cuffs and even the weigh scales.
Fresh takes on kids’ fall fashions, from ’70s boho to ’90s grunge

Fresh takes on kids’ fall fashions, from ’70s boho to ’90s grunge

TORONTO — The ’90s pop culture revival shows no signs of slowing and the decade’s fashions are reflected in this year’s back-to-school trends for teens.

Global Voices: Give homeless LGBT youth a welcome

For six months, Matt’s home was a park in downtown Toronto. In plummeting winter temperatures, he huddled under a bench and took sleeping medication to get through the night, rather than brave one of the city’s emergency shelters.
Victoria flying enthusiasts take to skies with precise replicas

Victoria flying enthusiasts take to skies with precise replicas

An air force is stationed in Victoria whose pilots never leave the ground but are united in their love of aircraft and watching them fly.