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Vital People: HeroWork a charity helping other charities

Vital People: HeroWork a charity helping other charities

When complete, the HeroWork Program Society’s program-development handbook will set out what a local organizing committee needs to do to raise funds, organize and implement a major renovation for a non-profit or charity.

Vital People: Creating a gift to the city

Two weeks ago, hundreds of people converged in the courtyard of the Central Branch of the Greater Victoria Public Library over the course of two days.
Around Town: Camping beyond the Fringe

Around Town: Camping beyond the Fringe

If you were a former Brownie, Cub Scout, Girl Guide or Boy Scout in this country, chances are you’ll never forget mottos and laws such as “Be prepared” and “I promise to do my best.
Our Community: Swan Lake show a benefit for namesake

Our Community: Swan Lake show a benefit for namesake

A fundraising drive to replace a boardwalk at Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary takes flight over the next two months with an announcement that the sanctuary has partnered with the Moscow Ballet for two events.
Robert Amos: Young artist enjoys the old-school ways

Robert Amos: Young artist enjoys the old-school ways

Legends is Victoria’s comic-book shop for true believers. The art show I visited this week is in a tiny back room there. The walls have been covered with brown paper, and a bevy of original watercolours is posted with push pins.

Nellie McClung: The people of Germany had the only chance to stop the war

This column first appeared in the Victoria Daily Times on Sept. 16, 1939. A woman who had two sons in the last war wrote these words in a letter: “Surely some great good will come out of so much suffering.
Our Community: You’re invited to a cleanup party

Our Community: You’re invited to a cleanup party

Parks Canada is inviting everyone to join in a giant shoreline cleanup party at Pacific Rim National Park Reserve on Saturday.
Around Town: Pop-up market has ocean views

Around Town: Pop-up market has ocean views

Hayley Sirimalalak had it made in the shade at Ogden Point last Thursday — a stroke of luck considering it was the hottest day of the summer.
Robert Amos: Island painter combines Impressionism, Realism

Robert Amos: Island painter combines Impressionism, Realism

Clement Kwan is a talented painter. His work has been a regular feature of the Sidney Fine Arts Show and the Sooke show.
Back in time: Tlowitsis First Nation in Kalagwees

Back in time: Tlowitsis First Nation in Kalagwees