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Spiritually Speaking

Meditation can help bring about political solutions

If we lived in a society or a nation which practised meditation we would deal with political issues quite differently than we do now. There is always so much suffering that ensues when big issues such as fossil fuel transportation become politicized.

Celebrating and Appreciating a Life of Quiet Service

Two weeks ago, a longtime resident of my building passed away. He was 93. Out of respect for his privacy, I’ll call him H. I didn’t actually know H all that well.

What The Arkells Taught Me About Inclusiveness

On Canada Day I went to an afternoon pop-up concert put on by the Arkells, who hail from Hamilton. The CBC filmed the performance as part of a special broadcast showing how Canada 150 was celebrated across the country.

“Love Thy Neighbour” and the Nike Theology

Many of us have heard it: “Love thy neighbour as thyself”. Jesus Christ says that’s Part Two of “the greatest Commandment” – Part One being, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.

Climate Change, the Bible and a Break from Doomspeak

The USA’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Accord on Climate Change has ramped up the doomspeak on all sides of the issue. Some say we’re doomed if we don’t take action; others say we’re doomed if we do.

Solid Tools for Spiritual Seekers

I have five “spiritual guides” who I invoke on a regular basis. They keep me grounded, honest and hopefully, a bit balanced. These guides reflect aspects of my personal theology and are deeply influenced by Jewish wisdom and teachings.

The Role of Spirituality in Economics

Whether at the individual level or the national level, everyone is trying to solve their economic problems. The economic situation of the world at present is in a state of confusion and we are looking down many avenues for a solution.

Learning about other faiths can help build peace

For many people in our multicultural society, faith is a core element of identity. Having a basic knowledge of world religions is essential in a society that seeks harmony and mutual understanding.

Finding redemption in radical gestures

Discovering social justice in Hebrew Scripture

Small acts show that love is more powerful than hate

As I was on Galiano Island waiting for the ferry to take me back to Swartz Bay on Sunday afternoon, I watched a woman with a flat of flowers going from car to car.