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Holocaust Remembrance Day - Our Stories

On behalf of the Victoria Shoah Project, we would like to invite you to the annual remembrance of Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day). Sunday, April 15, 11 a.m. – noon, at the Victoria Jewish Cemetery on Cedar Hill Road.

On behalf of the Victoria Shoah Project, we would like to invite you to the annual remembrance of Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day).  Sunday, April 15, 11 a.m. – noon, at the Victoria Jewish Cemetery on Cedar Hill Road. This year’s commemoration will take place on (south from Hillside Ave.).  We will be remembering those who perished in the Holocaust not as victims or statistics but as the real, unique individuals that they were.  We also honour the strength and resilience of survivors. We know that for the safety of all people the lessons of the Shoah and events leading up to this tragedy cannot be forgotten. 

This year’s commemoration is subtitled “Our Stories” and we will hear the family stories of survivors some of whom are buried in Victoria’s Jewish Cemetery. In this way we truly honour their memory. There will be music and songs of that era, that era to move us and also to remind us of the flourishing cultures in so many of the locations tragically upended by the Shoah. As well, the memorial prayers and reflections will help us to think about how we can act today. We must not only remember those tragic events but must not remain silent in the face of injustice and, instead, stand together whenever any person or group is targeted for their beliefs, religion, race, sexual orientation or disabilities.  Our Pledge of Mutual Respect and Support will be read for all to voice their commitment to these principles.

We invite you to share in this event with us. We welcome your presence and support as we gather to remember the past and look towards a future of peace and unity.

Sincerely yours on behalf of the Victoria Shoah Project, 

Micha Menczer and Elisheva Gray, Coordinators

E-mail: [email protected]