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Victoria clinic's treatments proven to be effective for long-term sobriety

Located in James Bay, RECOVERY WORKS is a 10-bed alcohol and drug addiction clinic for men aged 18 years and older that uses the 12-Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and research-based technologies to support residents in their journey to recovery.
Recovery Works is open to men aged 18 and over who are struggling with addiction.

Located in James Bay, RECOVERY WORKS is a 10-bed alcohol and drug addiction clinic for men aged 18 years and older that uses the 12-Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and research-based technologies to support residents in their journey to recovery. The modified therapeutic community treatment model is accessible to men of all incomes. 

With the belief that change is most effective when it is experienced and shared, the residents at Recovery Works support each other in every aspect of their treatment and the professional staff function as facilitators, guides, and role models. Together the residents, staff and alumni make up a supportive community in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

As an abstinence-based recovery facility with a foundation in the 12-Step program developed by Alcoholics Anonymous, great care is taken to introduce and implement the steps into the lives of the residents. Recovery Works residents actively participate in Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous in Victoria and attend daily meetings, get sponsors, undertake service work and complete at least the first 5 of the 12 Steps while in treatment. The fellowship of AA and NA provides residents with a ready-made continuing care program that is critical to long-term sobriety.

The Recovery Works’ clinical approach to care offers a proven solution for long-term sobriety:

  • Trauma Therapy is a priority at Recovery Works. Every resident participates in EMDR trauma therapy sessions with a certified trauma therapist for up to 10 one-hour sessions.
  • Recovery Works’ Group Therapy is used as a mechanism of change by developing, exploring and examining interpersonal relationships within the group.
  • Recovery Work therapists offer One-on-One Counselling with residents.
  • Psycho-Education is an evidence-based therapeutic intervention for residents that provides information and support to better understand the disease of addiction and how to treat it. 
  • Residents participate in Hatha yoga exercise sessions applying postures called asanas that connect mind, body and breath to gain self-awareness and focus attention inward.
  • Recovery Works residents reap the benefits of physical activity in their recovery by attending CrossFit Vic City as well as kayaking, fishing, swimming and hiking in nearby parks, beaches and forests.
  • Recovery Work’s Satori Wellness System uses a zero-gravity lounge chair to deliver a combination of vibration and acoustics that guides the resident to a deep meditative state resulting in rejuvenation of the mind and the body.
  • Alpha-Stim Electrotherapy delivers a natural level of micro-current to stimulate and modulate specific groups of nerve cells resulting in significant anxiety relief, mood normalization and better sleep.
  • Many psychologists recognize that “step work” is cognitive therapy at its best in reducing stress in our lives. Knowing that stress leads to cravings and relapse, the 12-Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous are an effective tool in changing the way residents view the world and respond to it. 
  • For families who have been profoundly affected by drug or alcohol addiction, the Recovery Works’ Family Program provides the whole family the opportunity to begin their own journey of recovery.