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Where are the nachos?

Well we have survived two weeks of the health challenge! The hardest nutrition changes are not having any kind of "junk' food in the house.

Well we have survived two weeks of the health challenge!

The hardest nutrition changes are not having any kind of "junk' food in the house. 

We have not a single cracker, cookie, potaoto chip, juice or sports drinks in our house and not snacking in the evening.

For the kids the shift in snacking habits is a shock, but we are impressed with how well they are coping for the most part. 

I have to pre-cook and pre-make as much food/salad ingredients as possible to reduce the time it takes to create healthy meals.

Food plan is as much veggies as you want.  I am not making large meals so that there are no left overs for second helpings/huge portions.
Reduction in serving size and portions is a huge change for our family.  I have gotten rid of all high fat salad dressings.  I don't buy any "treats" so they are not accessible for a quick sneak snack.
It has become very apparent that this challenge is not only physical but  hugely mental as well.
Alex:  Alex states that the exercise portion of the challenge is very difficult.  He is starting to become disillusioned with the program.  Angela and the family have been working very hard to motivate Alex to complete the workouts.
Julien:  The exercise is hard, but Julien is a trooper and we rarely hear a complaint.
Max:  Did not love the spin bike but "you gotta do what you gotta do".
Grace: States that she had no issues with any of the challenges.  Grace is blessed with steely determination and nothing is going to defeat her!
Justin: Struggles with not eating "good" food, by "good" food he means that tastes good not good for you.  This is especially difficult at night when a plate of nachos with sour cream would be awesome!  Dinners have been healthy with the exception of apple pie with dinner on Saturday as we had company.  This was the best apple pie EVER.  Spin class is the most difficult workout Justin as ever done in his entire life and has a new found appreciation for the cyclist on the road!  What motivates Justin is that all of Victoria is watching us and will not allow himself to fail!
Elizabeth:  The hardest challenge for me this week was attending an hour spin class.  I had to really use a lot of self talk to motivate myself to attend the torture session known as "spin class".  I did the hour and truly journeyed to hell and back, but now I am strangely addicted to the evil bike.  I can not wait for the next session.  This is closely followed by my curtailing an Earl Grey Tea Latte addiction.....